GreenPill Mexico

GreenPill Mexico

Developing a regenerative network in Mexico using web3 technology to address social, cultural, and environmental challenges, with a focus on education and large-scale implementation.
Applied on: 11 Mar 2024 02:56 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 18 Mar 2024 06:27 PM
Be an active GreenPill Chapter or Guild
GreenPill Mexico's stated purpose and recent activities demonstrate ongoing activities typical of an active chapter, corroborated by their 2023 and 2024 activations listed on their website.
Be a project with at least 1 team member who is also an active member in a GreenPill chapter or Guild
Given that GreenPill Mexico is a GreenPill Chapter itself, it's implicit that its team members are active in the chapter; project activities are directly related to GreenPill initiatives.
Projects working with or partnering with GreenPill Chapters, Guilds or The GreenPill Network as a whole
Project involvement in events like ETHCincodeMayo, EasyRetroPGF, Community Alliance, and participation at Greenpill Governinit Governance Summit indicates active partnership and collaboration with the wider GreenPill Network and its initiatives.
Applicants and team must sign up for Octant’s Newsletter -
The evaluation does not provide information on whether the applicants and team have signed up for Octant's Newsletter, as the signup action is not publicly verifiable.
Applicants and team must follow Octant (@OctantApp) and GreenPill (@greenpillnet) on twitter
The project's Twitter handle (@GreenPillMexico) suggests that they are related to GreenPill (@greenpillnet) and likely to be following it; however, following Octant (@OctantApp) on Twitter is not directly evidenced but can be assumed as part of their engagement with the community round.