Astrochain - Decentralized Science

Astrochain - Decentralized Science

Astrochain offers a decentralized app bridging astronomy and blockchain, allowing users to capture celestial data, mint NFTs, engage in an online community, and access educational content.
Applied on: 8 May 2024 10:13 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 8 May 2024 11:02 PM
Is the project explicitly focused on one or more of the Astrochain Subsystems: AstroFeed, AstroCenter, AstroPrint, or AstroStore?
The project describes components such as the AstroFeed dApp, AstroHub devices, and the AstroChain Central Hub as parts of its ecosystem, aligning with the subsystems AstroFeed and AstroCenter.
Does the project contribute to the field of Astronomy, Astrobiology, or Astrophysics?
The project's goal to serve the international community with tools to source and trade authentic astronomical data contributes to the fields of Astronomy and potentially Astrobiology and Astrophysics.
Is there evidence of recent activity on the project's GitHub repository, indicating ongoing development?
The Project GitHub information is not available (N/A), thus it's unclear whether there is recent activity indicating ongoing development.
Does the project have a clear use case for a decentralized application within the scope of the Astrochain Subsystems?
The project clearly describes the use of a decentralized application, the AstroFeed dApp, for sharing astrophotography and the use of blockchain technology for data authenticity and trading.
Is the team size adequate to support the scope of the project?
With a reported team size of 5, the team appears to be sufficient for initial stages of project development, though the specific roles and skillsets of the team members are not provided.
Is there a clear path to sustainability or a business model that does not rely solely on Gitcoin funding?
The project does not provide detailed information on additional paths to sustainability or business models besides Gitcoin funding.