AURA Dashboard
Develop an online dashboard to analyze user retention from airdrop incentives on Layer 2 platforms, informing future blockchain protocol incentive design.User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 07:09 PM
Be a public good.
The AURA Dashboard aims to provide a freely accessible online tool that could inform incentive design choices for protocols, which supports the public good nature of the project by contributing to the public domain and potentially benefiting various stakeholders in the blockchain ecosystem.
Be primarily focused on education, tooling or research of token engineering (tldr; economics and system design with crypto / design and analysis of cryptoeconomic systems).
The project is centered around the development of a tool (the AURA Dashboard) for analyzing user retention and the effectiveness of incentivization strategies, which falls directly under the category of tooling related to token engineering as it helps in the design and analysis of cryptoeconomic systems, particularly regarding token distribution strategies like airdrops.
Have a PoC/MVP - projects must have some proof of already existing work, even if small, to be included into the round.
There is no specific mention of an existing Proof of Concept (PoC) or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) from the provided details. Without evidence of an existing PoC or MVP, or without access to a publicly available repository or website showcasing the work, it's unclear whether this requirement is met.
Satisfy the program Eligibility Policy in addition to the requirements outlined above.
Given the lack of information provided on the project's compliance with broader program policies and the absence of a GitHub link or user contributions to assess development activity, it is not possible to conclusively determine whether the program’s Eligibility Policy is fully satisfied.