Blockchain-based platform offering daily free "PrayLuck" coins, interactive features like "Destiny Pray", and rewards like "Sunny Award", intended to provide spiritual support and community engagement in the crypto space.User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Feb 2024 07:11 PM
Be a public good.
The project description suggests a social platform for community support; however, it appears to also have a profit motive with its token system. It is unclear how the balance between public good and revenue generation is managed.
Be primarily focused on education, tooling or research of token engineering (tldr; economics and system design with crypto / design and analysis of cryptoeconomic systems).
ChainPray appears to be a platform offering spiritual support via blockchain rather than focusing on the educational aspects or tooling/research related to token engineering or cryptoeconomies.
Have a PoC/MVP - projects must have some proof of already existing work, even if small, to be included into the round.
The project website and description imply that there is a functioning platform, but no concrete proof of concept or minimal viable product is provided. The Github activity is low, providing insufficient evidence of a PoC or MVP.
Satisfy the program Eligibility Policy in addition to the requirements outlined above.
Given the responses to the previous criteria, particularly the lack of focus on token engineering education, tooling, or research, the project does not seem to satisfy the broader eligibility policy for this specific Gitcoin round.