BLOCK'd Social

BLOCK'd Social

Web3 social media platform focused on gaming, featuring decentralized accounts, wallet-to-wallet calls, guilds, and soon, live-streaming; migrated from Polygon to Avalanche in 2024.
Applied on: 29 Mar 2024 09:15 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 Apr 2024 06:19 PM
Projects and grantees must contribute to the Avalanche Ecosystem in some demonstrable way. The grant must aim to support or directly advance the Avalanche ecosystem. This includes areas like: ** Public Goods Software ** Analytics ** Education ** On-Chain Infrastructure and Protocols ** Gaming ** NFT / Arts & Culture ** Consumer Applications
BLOCK'd Social's move to Avalanche to serve as a hub for gamers with features like decentralized social accounts, voice/video calling, guilds, and upcoming live-streaming services aligns with the advancement of the Avalanche ecosystem, specifically in the areas of gaming and consumer applications.
History of contributing to the Avalanche Ecosystem: While this is not a hard requirement, previous contributions by applicants to the Avalanche ecosystem will be considered for admission into grant rounds.
BLOCK'd Social initially launched on Polygon and only recently migrated to Avalanche in March 2024. There is no other provided history of contributions to the Avalanche ecosystem prior to this migration.
The project needs to be at least three months old: this includes having a social presence for that period, public repositories, or verified contracts deployed.
BLOCK'd Social was launched over a year ago with a presence on social media platforms such as Twitter and has public repositories on GitHub, satisfying the requirement of the project being at least three months old.