

A decentralized, ad-free social media platform using IPFS for privacy and data control, with features like NFTs, direct donations, private messaging, and community engagement without exploiting user data.
Applied on: 13 Apr 2024 09:51 PM
User Review
Reviewed on 15 Apr 2024 11:38 AM
Participated in a recognized hackathon within the last 18 months.
Evidence of development progress post-hackathon.
Must provide proof of participation in a hackathon in the last 18 months where the output aligns with Open-Source Principles and Project Activity criteria.
Commits just say "last year", unclear when the last commit was exactly to determine the progress actually made post hackathon
AI Review
Reviewed on 13 Apr 2024 10:01 PM
Participated in a recognized hackathon within the last 18 months
The project Stogram participated in the Autonomous worlds hackathon hosted by ETHGlobal in May 2023.
Evidence of development progress post-hackathon
The project has demonstrated development progress post-hackathon, including UI/UX updates, backend optimizations, and the integration of Worldcoin ID as per their roadmap updates since their last participation in a hackathon.
Must provide proof of participation in a hackathon in the last 18 months where the output aligns with Open-Source Principles and Project Activity criteria
The project has provided proof of participation in a hackathon (Autonomous worlds hackathon by ETHGlobal) within the last 18 months and the GitHub repository indicates that the project is open-source.