Iron Wallet

$6,637.94 crowdfunded from 4204 people

$16,857.69 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Ethereum wallet focused on developer experience, offering advanced tooling for smart contract interaction, multiple wallet support, address aliasing, and desktop-native features with a roadmap for future enhancements.

Project Description

Iron is an Ethereum wallet built with developer experience as its primary goal.

We’re building a wallet from the ground up, to rethink some core features, and to embed easy access to a set of powerful tools that can vastly improve the developer experience, both when writing smart contracts, and when building dApps to interact with those contracts.

The project is still in its infancy (first released in May 2023), but the current set of features already provides a powerful developer experience when compared to the existing tooling:

  • Anvil-aware: tracking restarts and reverts of local dev nodes, and resyncing the wallet state accordingly, and better nonce tracking;
  • Foundry-aware: indexes ABIs and artifacts found in the local file system, to provide a built-in etherscan-like interface to read/write to locally deployed smart contracts;
  • Support for multiple wallets. No more need for multiple browser profiles;
  • Address aliasing, to easily track known wallets & contracts;
  • Ability to skip confirmations popups / gas estimates when using test wallets and test nodes, thereby speeding up all manual testing workflows;
  • Quick keyboard-based navigation for actions such as account or network switching;
  • filesystem-based settings, making it possible to securely sync the same wallets across multiple devices;
  • A desktop-native experience, no longer tied to a browser’s sandbox. Your wallet is now reachable by your entire system, and allows for an OS-native and less intrusive UX;
  • And … dark mode!

We build everything openly. All the issues, feature ideas, and ongoing work is publicly available on our Github repo. We also keep a dev blog with announcements for every release and technical deep dives into noteworthy features. For the TL;DR approach, you can also directly watch the videos we include in those same posts.

There’s also a high-level roadmap where we outline the long-term pipeline of must-haves, feature ideas, and past progress.

For the upcoming months, our goals are to ship even more crucial features so that developers and other stakeholders can speedup their feedback loops by 100-fold. We’re actively working on and discussing:

  • Local transaction simulation. already built as a prototype during in ETHGlobal Lisbon
  • Expose various anvil cheatcodes (snapshot/revert, timestamp control, storage slot manipulation, …)
  • Integration with external data sources such as samczsun’s sig database,,
  • Multi-chain support. i.e.: eliminating the global “switch to network” hell and providing individual dApps with their own preferences
  • Hardware wallets support
  • Various 3rd party wallet storage integrations (1Password, GPG, cloud providers, …)
  • Copy as curl, Copy as cast and various other quality-of-life utilities
  • built-in Gnosis Safe integrations (ability to track and sign safe operations directly from the wallet)
  • … and many more

We strive to be as contributor-friendly as possible: provide good guidelines and onboarding for new contributors; handholding and providing mentorship whenever possible; and striving to maintain great code quality and best practices.

Open source software is our home, and we hope to follow the same footsteps as some of the great projects we ourselves rely on every day (such as ethers-rs, foundry, wagmi, viem, These are some of our inspirations, in terms of both code quality and community-driven approach.

Our team includes senior developers who have been full-time in the web3 space for over 5 years. We also already onboarded more people of various levels of expertise, who are now actively contributing while also learning along the way.

We also intend to build a lot of our work upstream, by directly contributing to our dependencies (such as foundry and ethers-rs), thereby allowing everyone to benefit from it. Our recent work on Anvil’s support for Otterscan was already a direct result of our needs for Iron being applicable to the broader community

Iron Wallet History

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