Carlos Melgar - Community Supportooooooor
I've worked to support grantees and onboard changemakers into the Gitcoin ecosystem, coordinated Gitcoin feature promotions with influencers, created how-to guides, and hosted Twitter Spaces for LatAm and African grantees.
Created 11 months ago
🐙 Mars - Gitcoin citizen
Guided users in UI/UX improvements, supported individuals with gas fees, participated in Hypercert evaluations, and developing an independent evaluation standard.
Created 11 months ago
Body Mind Guild
Implementing dance programs in corporate settings and online to enhance mental and physical health, foster empathy, and create a balance for individuals working in demanding tech environments.
Created 1 year ago
Indigenous Voices in Gitcoin by Mycelia
Promoting indigenous representation in the Gitcoin community by utilizing Web3 tools to empower and share diverse voices and solutions for global change.
Created 1 year ago
All for Climate DAO: Gitcoin support since GR12
All for Climate provides legal, administrative, and fundraising support to grassroots climate and social justice initiatives, having integrated over 200 collectives, distributing nearly €2 million.
Created 1 year ago
Jimi Cohen - Gitcoin Radio
Developed and managed a 24/7 community-led, decentralized Twitter Space, recruited hosts, created instructional content, and hosted segments for Gitcoin Radio; seeking funds for better equipment.
Created 1 year ago
Gitcoin Awareness and Female Founder Amplification
Promotion of female founders in the web3 ecosystem, using interviews and articles to increase awareness about the Gitcoin grant process and the benefits of quadratic funding.
Created 1 year ago
Manuel Olariu
I helped coordinate Space Sustainability discussions, supported MoonDAO's DeSci Round sponsorships, co-hosted DeSpace Fridays, and co-organized #GitcoinBeta Radio discussions on Regenerative Finance ecosystems.
Created 1 year ago
Owocki/ (FBO Gitcoin Matching Pool)
A regenerative venture studio building and advising on tools in the regenerative ecosystem, forwarding raised funds to support public goods within the Gitcoin Matching Pool.
Created 1 year ago
DeSci Round Operators
DeSci community-led Gitcoin round showcased strategic planning, community engagement, grant evaluation, and stewardship, handling 65 approved projects while rejecting 18, and managed $18,689.71 in donations with active co-marketing.
Created 1 year ago
Creating a global network-state with 1000 members focused on promoting a regenerative crypto ecosystem through books, podcasts, YouTube, and 24 local chapters.
Created 1 year ago
Bankless Hindi
Creating educational blockchain content for Indian audiences in Hindi, facing funding challenges to remunerate contributors, seeking a Gitcoin grant to enhance production and attract more support.
Created 1 year ago
What my delegate is doing?
Project to enhance citizen engagement by developing a more user-friendly platform for tracking delegated tokens without manual address input. Focus on asking questions and improving accessibility.
Created 1 year ago
Community platform offering tutorials in Solidity, Web3 integration, and sharing Web3 founders' stories to educate and onboard users into the Web3 space.
Created 1 year ago
Texas-based nonprofit promotes the use of the Internet Computer (IC), offers educational resources, organizes community events, and funds technology development and open-source projects.
Created 1 year ago