CollabTech Round and Thresholds Experiment Eligibility

Let’s grow CollabTech: organisations on-chain, evolution of B2B SaaS, and future of work; projects advancing identity & reputation, governance & decision making, operations (accounting, sales automation, inventory management, talent, etc), community, and contributor tooling!


  • CollabTech project - organisations on-chain, evolution of B2B SaaS, network states tooling & DAO tooling, and future of work; projects advancing reputation, governance & decision making, operations (accounting, sales automation, inventory management, talent, etc), community, and contributor tooling!
  • Commercial viability or perennial Public Goods: projects addressing a clear need for a specific target user and with the ability to continue to deliver value over time (financial sustainability through business model and/or immutability)
  • Maximum project development duration of 12 weeks (i.e. value delivered within 12 weeks)
  • Threshold: Projects must declare a “threshold” (minimum amount of funds needed to complete the project/feature/prototype and deliver value). Thoroughness in defining their threshold and feasibility (threshold within the range of match-funding available) will be key for approval into the round. Projects not able to attain the threshold (with combined donations + match funding), will not receive match funding but can still keep donations.
  • General Criteria: Incomplete, poorly structured, unfeasible, or otherwise poorly conceived applications will be rejected.