Chain ID: 42161, Round ID: 1375

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 21 Feb 2024 16:55 to 21 Feb 2024 16:55 (UTC).
No matching funds available Matching pool
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0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
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21 Feb 2024 16:55
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Human Program Representative
Vero quia blanditiis esse alias adipisci. Ex expedita beatae facere laboriosam iste. Alias harum nesciunt.
Jax Based 🔵 Project
Researching the causes of discomfort and errors, this project focuses on developing solutions to mitigate these issues and improve overall satisfaction and functionality.
Scroll Test Project
The provided links reference specific commits to a repository, so without additional context, it's difficult to extract a project description or summary. If you can provide a description of the changes or objectives connected to these commits, I would be able to offer a concise summary.
QuantumStake: Revolutionizing Staking in the Crypto Sphere
QuantumStake introduces a quantum-level staking platform with advanced technology, strategic partnerships, user-friendly design, community-driven development, rigorous security audits, and a resilient decentralized architecture.
Jax Based 🔵 Project
Researching the causes of discomfort and errors, this project focuses on developing solutions to mitigate these issues and improve overall satisfaction and functionality.
Jax Based 🔵 Project
Researching the causes of discomfort and errors, this project focuses on developing solutions to mitigate these issues and improve overall satisfaction and functionality.