Hackathon Alumni Eligibility

To foster the growth and impact of open-source software (OSS) within the tech ecosystem, there's a growing need to support projects that have shown promising beginnings at recent hackathons. Recognizing this potential, the focus is on identifying and funding projects that align with several key target areas: 1. Innovative Solutions or Prototypes: Priority will be given to projects that originated as innovative solutions or prototypes during hackathons. These projects should demonstrate a high potential for scalability, impact, and the ability to address complex challenges within the OSS ecosystem. 2. Initiatives Addressing Clear Needs: The funding will also target initiatives addressing clear and identifiable needs within the OSS or broader tech ecosystem. This includes projects that offer new tools and improve end user experience.


  • Participated in a recognized hackathon within the last 18 months.
  • Evidence of development progress post-hackathon.
  • Must provide proof of participation in a hackathon in the last 18 months where the output aligns with Open-Source Principles and Project Activity criteria.