Contributor Funding Round (test) Eligibility

Welcome to the Test Contributors Funding Round!


  • A "project" refers to a contributor to the website domain or subdomains. Contributors ("projects") can apply as individuals or as collectives, noting only one Ethereum address will be used for payout.
  • Completed work - Contribution must have been performed in the past—funding is not intended for future/planned work.
  • Evidence - Must provide public link to clear evidence of contribution. This is both for the operating team, as well as for donors participating in a round to see.
  • Financial disclosures - Applicants who may have previously received funding for their work associated with a contribution are welcome to apply, but for the sake of transparency are required to disclose this amount publicly.
  • Time period - Contributions are currently allowed from any time since 2019, which marked the v1.0.1 release of the current code repository.
  • Excluded parties - Round will be managed by members of the core team who are ineligible to receive matching funds. Full-time employees/contractors of the Ethereum Foundation are not eligible to receive matching funds.