Cartographer Syndicate RFP 3: Web3 Grant Registry News Aggregation and Curation System Development Eligibility

The Cartographer Syndicate is seeking proposals for developing and integrating a comprehensive News Aggregation and Curation System (Crypto Grant Wire 2.0) within the Web3 Grant Registry. This system will automate collecting, curating, and disseminating news and updates related to Web3 grants, newly announced funds, DAO Governance, and insightful thoughts for grantors and grantees.


  • Technical Expertise and Experience: - Proven experience in web scraping, data aggregation, and content curation. - Strong proficiency in machine learning and natural language processing techniques. - Expertise in developing user-friendly interfaces and information architecture. - Experience with various APIs and automation tools for information gathering and integration.
  • Project Alignment and Integration - Ability to design and implement automated data pulls from various sources. - The proposed solution must integrate seamlessly with the existing Web3 Grant - Registry infrastructure and Crypto Grant Wire Telegram channel. - Development of a user-friendly interface that allows non-technical users to easily add information and updates, with an administrator review and approval system in place.
  • Development Scope and Milestones: - Commitment to delivering on all required features, including automated news aggregation, content curation, and user interface improvements. - Ability to meet the project timeline, with work completed by August 30, 2024.
  • Communication and Support: - Commitment to regular communication, including bi-weekly progress updates. - Ability to provide ongoing maintenance and support during the build, testing, and launch phases.