Cartographer Syndicate RFP 1: Web3 Grant Registry Reputation System Development Eligibility

The Cartographer Syndicate is seeking proposals for developing and integrating a robust reputation system for the Web3 Grant Registry. This system will enhance trust and credibility within the registry, incorporating user/project profiles, rating mechanisms, and objective and subjective impact metrics. More details on the registry can be found at the link below:


  • Technical Expertise and Experience: - Proven experience in development and smart contract design, particularly on the Arbitrum network. - Strong understanding of reputation systems and their implementation in a blockchain context. - Familiarity with privacy-preserving technologies like zkSNARKs and experience with Semaphore is a plus.
  • Project Alignment and Integration: - The proposed solution must integrate with the Web3 Grant Registry's existing smart contract infrastructure (Gitcoin Allo Protocol) on the Arbitrum network. - Ability to develop user profiles, rating mechanisms, and review platforms that align with the registry's objectives.
  • Development Scope and Milestones: - Commitment to delivering on all required features, including integration with Karma GAP user/project profiles, rating mechanisms, objective metrics integration, and subjective review platform. - Ability to meet the project timeline, with work completed by August 30, 2024.
  • Open-Source Commitment: - Willingness to release all work under appropriate open-source licenses (e.g., MIT, GNU, or Apache).
  • Communication and Support: - Commitment to regular communication, including bi-weekly progress updates. - Ability to provide ongoing maintenance and support during the build, testing, and launch phases.