Cartographer Syndicate RFP 2: Web3 Grant Registry Data Analytics and Visualization Tools Development Eligibility

The Cartographer Syndicate is seeking proposals for developing and integrating advanced data analytics and visualization tools within the Web3 Grant Registry. This project aims to provide users with valuable insights into the grant landscape, project performance, and ecosystem trends, enabling data-driven decision-making and fostering stakeholder collaboration.


  • Technical Expertise and Experience: - Proven experience in data analytics, data visualization, and machine learning. - Strong proficiency in modern data processing technologies and frameworks, specifically dbt ( - Expertise in data visualization libraries and tools. - Familiarity with machine learning libraries and frameworks. - Knowledge of smart contract development and blockchain technology.
  • Project Alignment and Integration: - Ability to design and implement data processing pipelines, interactive dashboards, and machine learning algorithms. - The proposed solution must integrate with the existing Web3 Grant Registry infrastructure and Open Source Observer data pipeline (
  • Development Scope and Milestones: - Commitment to delivering on all required features, including data processing pipelines, interactive dashboards, and machine learning models. - Ability to meet the project timeline, with work completed by August 30, 2024.
  • Open-Source Commitment: - Willingness to release all work under appropriate open-source licenses (e.g., MIT, GNU, or Apache).
  • Communication and Support: - Commitment to regular communication, including bi-weekly progress updates. - Ability to provide ongoing maintenance and support during the build, testing, and launch phases.