Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP)

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 07 Nov 2023 00:00 to 07 May 2024 00:00 (UTC).
No matching funds available Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
07 May 2024 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
UniV3 LP Ultimate Tool
Developed Uniswap V3 APY calculator with Arbitrum support, offering precise calculations for LP profitability and position management, without needing registration.
Double provides liquidity solutions for Arbitrum's Uniswap ecosystem, enabling token projects to list without large capital and offering LPs positive risk-adjusted yields.
Implementing a secure, multi-manager protocol on Arbitrum for seamless investment coin swaps via Uniswap, ensuring investor asset security and ownership.
A DEX optimized for swapping blue-chip tokens with off-chain price integration, on-chain validation, low gas fees, and profitable trades for liquidity providers to prevent impermanent loss.
Creating Numo, an automated single-function market with embedded lending to enable on-chain, permissionless power perpetual markets for hedging Uniswap LP positions.
Bonadocs is building the future of secure smart contract development and distribution.
Nest Wallet
Multi-chain self-custody wallet supporting hardware and EOA wallets on nine EVM chains, with browser extensions and mobile apps.
On-chain trading bot enabling single-click spot/limit orders on Uniswap via Arbitrum One, with self-custody, multi-portfolio management, and optimized gas usage for a user-friendly experience.
Geld.Network is creating a global land ownership community utilizing blockchain for environmental conservation, tokenizing land and carbon credits to preserve biodiversity and empower farmers.
Automated decision-making tool for cryptocurrency trading with predefined strategies, historical trade analysis, and profit/loss tracking on Arbitrum One.
UEFA onference League
Angle Protocol
Defi protocol offering Euro stablecoin trading and savings, with widely-used incentives solutions in the Defi ecosystem.
Moby, an On-chain AMM Options Protocol for Arbitrum
On-chain options protocol with real-time pricing, narrow spreads, maximum liquidity, and user-friendly UI/UX, aiming to expand DeFi through its unique Synchronized Liquidity Engine.