Contributors Round Eligibility is a public, open-source website and educational resource for the Ethereum community, with contributions from thousands of community members across the globe. Contributions to have increased significantly in frequency over the past five years. While the vast majority of these contributions have been on a voluntary basis, large portions of the site content would not have been possible without this community support, and the core team has been investigating measures to return value to impactful contributors. The goal of Contributors round is to retroactively reward impactful work, while encouraging and creating incentive for everyone to contribute to public goods, including — and of course, to say thank you.


  • Project - A "project" refers to a contributor to the website domain or subdomains. Contributors ("projects") can apply as individuals or as collectives, noting only one Ethereum address will be used for payout.
  • Completed work - Contribution must have been performed in the past—funding is not intended for future/planned work.
  • Evidence - Must provide a public link to clear evidence of contribution. This is both for the operating team, as well as for donors participating in a round to see.
  • Financial disclosures - Applicants who may have previously received funding for their work associated with a contribution are welcome to apply, but for the sake of transparency are required to disclose this amount publicly.
  • Time period - Contributions are currently allowed from any time since 2019, which marked the v1.0.1 release of the current code repository, until October 2023.
  • Round will be managed by members of the core team who are ineligible to receive matching funds.
  • Full-time and part-time employees/contractors of the Ethereum Foundation are not eligible to apply to the round.