Ethereum Core Infrastructure, Research, and Development Eligibility

Eth Infra is going back to its roots in GG19, shifting from an open application process to a new curated format. The round will include teams and individuals supporting integral components of the Ethereum network, projects that first and foremost are enabling the success and longevity of Ethereum. An appointed council will handle the curation, aiming to narrow the focus on true infrastructure and core development work. The round will be composed of true public good projects and initiatives that directly contribute to making Ethereum operate and advancing the network in the future.


  • Projects that are in support of, or directly advancing the Ethereum Network’s infrastructure. Primarily focusing on areas such as: - Core client teams (e.g. geth, nethermind, prysm, lighthouse) - Staking infrastructure and tooling - Client diversity - Core developers (can apply as a team, a specific project, or simply as an individual) - Tooling providers (e.g., hardhat / ethers.js) - Security researchers, EIPs, censorship resistance - Sharding, rollups. scaling, etc - Account abstraction, zero knowledge technology, statelessness, future proofing, and more
  • The project must be open source and in active development
  • The project must be more than 3 months old
  • To be eligible for this grant round, projects must meet the general program policy and the following specific requirements