LunCo (🌍🚀🌖) Subsystems

Ran on the Optimism blockchain from 22 Aug 2024 10:00 to 05 Sep 2024 20:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 1000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
05 Sep 2024 20:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Networking Submodule for LunCo
Update existing networking module to support WebRTC for browser-based collaborative systems design and exploration.
Requirements Management Subsystem
Support the development of a requirements management subsystem inspired by IBM DOORS, based on the ReqIF file format.
LunCo: Everyone Can Do Space
LunCo integrates Space & Robotics models into a collaborative virtual world for concurrent engineering, featuring educational play-to-learn modes and a social platform for sharing designs with IP-NFTs.
LunCo: OSS Lander
Kickstarting efforts to design opensource lunar lander. Long-term project. PS If you are interested in joining team - plz reach us!
Model-Based Systems Engineering
LunCo Submodule for [Model Based Systems Engineering]( based on [Arcadia/Capella](
Solar Energy Design Subsystem
Develop a submodule for engineering and evaluating solar power stations on Earth and in space to promote sustainable energy.
Habitat Marte Virtual Missions Scholarship
A Brazilian semiarid station is training analog astronauts, celebrating the Moon landing anniversary with a virtual mission supported by LunCo, fundraising $200 to aid two women participants from Egypt and Nepal.
HyperDeSci 🧠🔬📖 by LunCo
Initiative to promote sustainable tourism and Moon settlement by funding DeSci projects through multi-chain web3 rounds with a matching pool, sponsored by LunCo.
Project Merlin
Innovative blockchain platform leveraging NFTs to enable users to vote on project decisions and earn income through participation in a fair, transparent DAO ecosystem.
Modular Crypto (OP)
A media organization producing Portuguese content on crypto, aiming to educate and engage audiences via shows, podcasts, newsletters, and events, fostering Web3 adoption in Brazil.