PowerPool Builder Grants

Currently running on the Mainnet blockchain from 12 Oct 2023 00:00 to 19 Sep 2024 02:11 (UTC).
No matching funds available Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
19 Sep 2024 02:11
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
SupremeDAO: Leveraged Staking Strategy
SupremeDAO aims to streamline DeFi by offering trustless, automated investment solutions and one-click leveraged yield farming for diversified, secure, and efficient earnings.
Automated Safe module for PowerAgent by Partitura
Smart contract module enabling execution of whitelisted transactions on Safe without adding a keeper. Includes methods for managing transaction permissions.
Automated Safe module for PowerAgent by Partitura
Smart contract module enabling execution of whitelisted transactions on Safe without adding a keeper. Includes methods for managing transaction permissions.
Breadchain Cooperative
The Breadchain Cooperative creates blockchain tools for fundraising and governance, offering a "Crowdstaking Application" to fund and manage co-op projects without financializing participation. Grant funds will support further development.
Automated Safe module for PowerAgent by Partitura
Smart contract module enabling execution of whitelisted transactions on Safe without adding a keeper. Includes methods for managing transaction permissions.
Breadchain Cooperative
The Breadchain Cooperative creates blockchain tools for fundraising and governance, offering a "Crowdstaking Application" to fund and manage co-op projects without financializing participation. Grant funds will support further development.
Automated decision-making tool for cryptocurrency trading with predefined strategies, historical trade analysis, and profit/loss tracking on Arbitrum One.
Automated Safe module for PowerAgent by Partitura
Smart contract module enabling execution of whitelisted transactions on Safe without adding a keeper. Includes methods for managing transaction permissions.
Automated Safe module for PowerAgent by Partitura
Smart contract module enabling execution of whitelisted transactions on Safe without adding a keeper. Includes methods for managing transaction permissions.