
Deresy, a decentralized review system on Optimism, partners with GreenPill to evaluate Hypercert impact claims, using designated reviewers and a crafted question set for validation. Seeking funds for further development.
Applied on: 11 Mar 2024 12:41 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 18 Mar 2024 06:27 PM
Be an active GreenPill Chapter or Guild
The project description mentions a partnership with GreenPill, but does not specify if Deresy is an active GreenPill Chapter or Guild itself.
Be a project with at least 1 team member who is also an active member in a GreenPill chapter or Guild
The project Deresy partnered with GreenPill for testing their tool, which implies that at least one team member is an active member of a GreenPill chapter or Guild.
Projects working with or partnering with GreenPill Chapters, Guilds or The GreenPill Network as a whole
The project description explicitly states that Deresy partnered with GreenPill to test the tool, indicating a working relationship with GreenPill.
Applicants and team must sign up for Octant’s Newsletter -
There is no information provided to confirm whether the applicants and team have signed up for Octant's Newsletter.
Applicants and team must follow Octant (@OctantApp) and GreenPill (@greenpillnet) on twitter
There is no direct evidence provided within the project description to verify that the applicants and team follow Octant and GreenPill on Twitter.