$36.19 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Deresy, a decentralized review system on Optimism, partners with GreenPill to evaluate Hypercert impact claims, using designated reviewers and a crafted question set for validation. Seeking funds for further development.

Deresy (sounds like Heresy with a D) is a DEcentralized REview SYstem for Hypercerts on Optimism. Deresy helps facilitate 3rd party review of any Hypercert by allowlisted wallets.

The Spark team that built Deresy partnered with GreenPill to test the tool to review 12 Hypercerts from the GG19 GreenPill grants round.

For this test, we worked together to identify two reviewers (Lana and Izzy) and collaborated on a set of questions for them to answer during the evaluations. The reviewers then used Deresy to research and review the Hypercert impact claims made by each GP chapter.

You can see the results of the first experiment with GreenPill here: https://deresy.xyz

We plan to use funding from this round to continue developing Deresy and running more pilots.

Deresy History

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