Jon Ruth - Deresy & Hyperminter

$913.18 crowdfunded from 795 people

$116.35 received from matching pools

average score over 11 application evaluations
Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.

The following are my recent Gitcoin citizen contributions:

Deresy - I led the team that built Deresy, a Decentralized Review System. We launched v1 of the tool over a year ago to review Gitcoin grants from the old cGrants platform directly. We recently launched v2, which integrates with Hypercerts and EAS. We partnered with the GreenPill network to use the tool to review the Hypercerts associated with their most recent grant round in GG19. The tool allows any round operator or funder to conduct 3rd party reviews of grantee impact claims. GitHub

Hyperminter - I led the team that built Hyperminter, a tool for minting Hypercerts for Gitcoin grants. The tool connects to the Gitcoin indexer and pre-fills a form with grantee data. The grantee then edits the form and mints a Hypercert. This was previously a manual process conducted by Gitcoin and the Hypercerts team. Now, grantees can use the self-serve tool to mint a Hypercert for any grant. GitHub

CCN - Helped lead the formation of the Climate Coordination Network (CCN) between GG18 and GG19. After GG18, Gitcoin decided to decentralize the Climate round. CCN is on a mission to accelerate blockchain-enabled climate solutions on a global scale, catalyzing diverse forms of climate action in order to create a sustainable and equitable future for all. As a part of this mission we will be running the climate round in all future rounds. I helped establish this new organization, including setting up a webpage, email, twitter, telegram, notion and other tools.

Jon Ruth - Deresy & Hyperminter History

People donating to Jon Ruth - Deresy & Hyperminter, also donated to

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Developing an Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) to align carbon markets with broader ecological benefits such as air, water, soil, biodiversity, and equity through stakeholder collaboration and three key tools: Activator, Common Language, and Storytelling.
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