$3,271.57 crowdfunded from 315 people
$23,655.73 received from matching pools
$EARTH is LIVE on Polygon Mainnet. You can now Mint+Trade $Earth and directly fund climate solutions across borders.
What is $Earth ?
It is a digital currency backed purely by climate solutions, ecosystem services and solarpunk values.
Our goal is to -
Mobilize over $ 5 Trillion/yr for the next 30 yrs to provide primary finance to projects in clean energy, regenerative agriculture, clean transport , ecosystem conservation and solarpunk sanctuaries that will build the necessary infrastructure for a net zero world.
Appropriately value natural ecosystems and their services while creating a monetary system that is backed by climate/ecology positive projects.
Seed the Solarpunk paradigm
$Earth has been designed to make this happen by -
Incentivizing users to purge their petro $$$ to mint $Earth directly at the protocol and use those $$$ to fund projects in renewables, permaculture, Ev charging stations, electric buses/trains , ecosystem conservation/regeneration, agroforestry, energy storage, eco-villages etc
Inherently ascribing value to ecosystem services created by the projects we fund, by selling $Earth at a premium to the $ value of projects in the neoliberal world. $Earth acts as a unit of account for the $ value of the projects in our treasury + potential yields these projects will generate and the positive externalities created by these projects ( healthy soil, carbon sequestration, clean air, biodiversity etc)
Creating utility for $Earth by creating a network of regenerative/solarpunk merchants who are willing to provide their goods and services in exchange of $Earth.
For our pilot round, $Earth treasury will be funding the following projects -
- Syntropic Coconut farm in Dominican Republic from Kokonnut Network
- 69 kWp Solar Energy in Mexico from Helios
- Coffee production in Brazil from EthicHub
- Eco village in Lisbon from Traditional Dream Factory
- Electric 2 wheelers for last mile delivery in UAE from Pyse
- Solar Energy in Colombia from Unergy (Tentative)
You can get more information on these projects here - https://solarpunkdao.earth/projects
Thanks to all your Solarpunky love and support during GG 18 we -
Got our smart contracts that govern $Earth reviewed and audited.
Made updates to our smart contracts in lieu with the design changes.
Got our Terms and Conditions drafted by the lawyer.
Got our dev team to connect our smart contracts to the front end and also update the admin panel wrt to the changes made in the smart contracts.
Hired 2 solarpunks to work on Story telling for $Earth and visual communication full time.
Partnered with 15 Refi projects to do our $Earth airdrop that ll be announced soon.
Conducted extensive testing on our smart contracts on the testnet and will be doing our soft launch on mainnet before GG19.
Worked on identifying and listing our first 5 projects that we will pilot with to fund via $Earth treasury.
Our NFT collection - Solarpunk Universe has branched out and will become a standalone identity for which we are designing a unique ERC 721 contract.
Brainstormed on a NFT marketplace to house Impact+Solarpunk aligned nft projects that will be powered by $Earth.
Did our prelimnary research on where we set up our sister entity that invests in real world climate projects.
Paid for our annual renewal of the token issuing entity.
Paid salaries to our core contributors
Commisioned an animation for $Earth from Syntropic Regen
Paid for digital tools - X, Midjourney, Kaiber, Notion and GPT
GG 19 funds will be used for -
Identifying viable climate projects worth $ 1 M to fund via $Earth treasury
Creating V 2 of https://solarpunkdao.earth/
Marketing $Earth
Paying our core contributors
Setting up subsidiary entity that can route $$$ from treasury into real world projects and house legal contractsof the same.
Onboard aligned solarpunks to help us with $Earth mints, compliance, marketing, credit risk analysis and partnerships
Creating an aqueduct for $Earth where yields from AAVE and fees from UNISWAP can be routed towards minting $Earth
Creating our NFT marketplace powered by $Earth - Solarpunk Garden
Creating a dashboard for $Earth holders
Attending COP 28 to promote $Earth
We are incredibly grateful for all the love and support all you Solarpunks shower on us. We are building strong in this bear and truly appreciate any contributions you can provide to make anthropogenic climate change history and seed the solarpunk paradigm.
$Earth - Solarpunk Dao History
accepted into Climate Solutions Round 1 year ago. 260 people contributed $1,243 to the project, and $4,032 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 8 people contributed $308 to the project, and $168 of match funding was provided.
accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 47 people contributed $1,720 to the project, and $19,456 of match funding was provided.