
$29,404.28 crowdfunded from 67 people

$15,853.31 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Ethereum-based DeFi protocol for lending Uniswap V3 LP NFTs; enables predictable returns and borrower bids while expanding services to Fantom for cross-chain liquidity and multi-chain access with DPST token utility.

What is DeFi Pool Share? DeFi Pool Share is a lending protocol built on the Ethereum network that allows Liquidity Providers to lend their Uniswap V3 LP NFTs to interested borrowers. The platform provides liquidity providers with predictable returns on their position by lending it to the borrowers in exchange of a lending fee based on estimated fees generated by the pool for loan duration, while also allowing borrowers to bid on these Position NFTs and gain access to the position’s claim fees. This smart contract-based protocol is designed to increase the efficiency and accessibility of lending and borrowing in the DeFi space. By leveraging the liquidity on the Uniswap v3 pools, DefiPoolShare enables users to easily and securely lend & borrow assets, while also mitigating some of the risks associated with DeFi like impermanent loss and lp management.

From my research there are already a few DeXes with V3 live on Fantom

We would want to work deeper on the concentrated liquidity side and proper Liquidity provision among Dexes.

We would want to do such:

Lending on Fantom:

Enable LPs to lend Dexes V3 LP NFTs. Borrowers bid for access to claim fees. Cross-Chain Liquidity:

LPs provide liquidity across chains. Fantom users access diverse LP opportunities. DPST Token on Fantom:

DPST for governance, staking, and features. Consistent token utility across chains. Multi-Chain Access:

Fantom users join lending and borrowing. Diversified yield options on multiple chains.

Incentives on Fantom:

Reward programs for LPs and borrowers. Acknowledge early adopters and contributors. Education and Partnerships:

Informative sessions for Fantom users on LPing. Collaborations with Fantom projects and community building. User-Focused Experience:

Seamless onboarding and interfaces

Defipoolshare History

  • accepted into Vault Round 1 10 months ago. 67 people contributed $29,404 to the project, and $15,853 of match funding was provided.

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