Internet Freedom For Iran

Internet Freedom For Iran

NGO successfully campaigned against companies aiding Iran's internet restrictions, sanctioned violators, distributed internet tools, and continues aiding Iranians with internet access post-Mahsa Amini's murder.
Applied on: 5 Nov 2023 03:19 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 7 Feb 2024 04:00 PM
Grant applications will be considered for official approval by IranUnchained if we find them to be aligned with our mission: To overthrow the Islamic Republic and establish a secular government aligned with “Woman, Life, Freedom” by empowering the Iranian community and supporting the well-being of Iranian citizens.
The project 'Internet Freedom For Iran' is directly contributing to the mission by combatting internet restrictions imposed by the Islamic Republic, thereby empowering the Iranian community to access information and communicate more freely. Their activities, such as campaigning against entities that collaborate with the Iranian government and providing tools such as VPNs and routers to activists and citizens, align with the goal of undermining the regime's control and supporting the well-being of Iranian citizens.
IranUnchained reserves the right to hide any submissions not aligned with our values.
The project 'Internet Freedom For Iran' seems to embody the values that IranUnchained stands for, which includes securing internet freedom as a means to empower Iranians against the current regime. Based on the provided description, there are no indicators suggesting that 'Internet Freedom For Iran' holds any contradictory values that would necessitate the hiding of their submission by IranUnchained.