Signature Singularity residency
One-month residency in Japan for developers focusing on signature verification within zk-SNARKs, privacy-preserving apps, identity solutions, and client-side proving technology enhancements.User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 31 Jan 2024 08:53 AM
You should have at least one core team member who was at a Zuzalu event (Zuzalu Montenegro or ZuConnect) for a minimum of a week.
The information provided does not specify whether any core team member of the Signature Singularity residency project has attended a Zuzalu event for a minimum of a week.
You should be open about your other sources of funding and not think of it as a factor that can disqualify you.
There is no information provided about the project's openness regarding other sources of funding.
Event must be focused on topics the Zuzalu community values (governance, coordinations / network states, zk, AI x crypto, longevity etc.)
The Signature Singularity residency's aim to experiment with signatures verification in zk-SNARKs and the development of privacy preserving applications align with the Zuzalu community's interest in zk, AI x crypto, and related technologies.