Protopian Civic Futures - Tales from regen·era

Protopian Civic Futures - Tales from regen·era

Short story contest encouraging fictional tales that envision a better civilization through collective stewardship, civic innovation, and decentralized systems. Winning entries receive prizes and publication.
Applied on: 22 Apr 2024 11:36 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 23 Apr 2024 12:03 AM
Project is creating impact through public goods, civic service, civic works, civic innovations or civic utilities.
The 'Protopian Civic Futures - Tales from regen·era' project aims to stimulate discussion and ideation around systems of collective stewardship, which directly impacts public goods and civic innovation.
Project exhibits clear relevance to the broad framing of civic innovation.
The project's focus on civic stewardship and community resilience within a fictional yet relatable narrative aligns well with the broad framing of civic innovation.
At least one project steward is a member of OpenCivics consortium.
The provided information does not mention any steward's membership status with the OpenCivics consortium. Additional information is required for a definitive assessment.
Project team size and skills correlates to use of funds and desired impact.
The project description does not provide enough detail regarding the team's size and the specific skills its members possess in relation to the use of funds and the desired impact.
Project demonstrates a clear track record of previous work.
Insufficient information is provided on the project's previous work and accomplishments, making it difficult to ascertain a track record.
Project must agree to participate in co-development of collaborative and grantee accountability protocols as part of their impact reporting process.
The project's open call for collaboration and its nature suggest a willingness to engage in co-development of protocols, though an explicit agreement is not stated.
Project adheres to OpenCivics Ethical Standards and Pledge.
There is no explicit mention of the project's adherence to OpenCivics Ethical Standards and Pledge within the provided information.
Project stewards pass OFAC screening process.
No information about the project steward's OFAC compliance status is available from the provided project details.
Optional: Project is encouraged to include focus on collaboration between projects or on tools and infrastructures for collaboration.
The project encourages authors to collaborate with other funded projects and highlight solutions through storytelling, indicating a focus on collaboration.