OpenCivics Consortium Round 02

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 23 Apr 2024 12:00 to 07 May 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 66000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$10560 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
07 May 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Protopian Civic Futures - Tales from regen·era
Short story contest encouraging fictional tales that envision a better civilization through collective stewardship, civic innovation, and decentralized systems. Winning entries receive prizes and publication.
Metagov, a digital governance lab, develops APIs, standards, and tools; conducts research; and hosts events to facilitate online community governance, including grant management, AI benefits distribution, DAO attestation, and interoperable decision-making tools.
Self-Governance Commons
Develop a digital platform that integrates self-governance practices from various initiatives, facilitating global collaboration to address urgent societal and environmental challenges.
Collaborative Evolutionary Protocol for the Design Science Studio
The Design Science Studio is developing a decentralized, regenerative cultural incubator for creatives, focusing on planet-conscious art and regenerative design, supported by a research grant for collaborative protocol development.
Moos: A Berlin hub for reimagining our cities
MOOS is a Berlin cultural center promoting crisis management, collaboration, and empowering disadvantaged groups, featuring event spaces, residencies, and a focus on regenerative urban development practices.
Propian Civic Futures - Tales from regen·era
Short story contest for 3,000-5,000 word protopian fiction that explores collective stewardship and civics innovation, with prizes, editorial support, and AI illustrations. Stories licensed under Creative Commons.
Common Agency
Common Agency empowers local stewards to manage neighborhood networks and funds, facilitating collective decision-making and actions using digital and face-to-face engagement for community improvement.
VoiceDeck: A Marketplace for Journalism Impact Certificates
Funding journalists via web3 certificates for stories with measurable impact, bypassing traditional grant models, focusing on accountability and incentive for sustained reporting.
Augmenting the ReFi Knowledge Graph with AI
Developing a decentralized infrastructure, the project merges attestation networks and AI-enhanced community knowledge graphs to empower grassroots civic participation and forge a knowledge-sharing commons for societal transformation.
AgroforestDAO april 2024
Co-creating a global-local network focused on stewardship of agroecosystems; involving urban/rural collaboration, distributed via Web3, NFTs to support food forests, and tools for agroecological succession management.
Free app helping nomadic individuals find community, coordinate travel, and partake in events like cleanups, with emphasis on safety, inclusivity, and environmental responsibility; seeking funding to launch.
Urbánika's bus: Circular Economy + Urban Governance
Developing a climate-positive mobile school/home bus and Web3 Neighborhood Governance program for peer-governed, regenerative smart cities, including eco-technology research and implementations.
Ethereal Forest
Ethereal Forest aims to create PDX DAO, a coalition of local decentralized organizations to enhance participation and resource-sharing in Portland, focusing on research, tool curation, community engagement, and global collaboration.
Bloom Network
Bloom Network empowers global grassroots impact with Web3 tools, enabling local environmental and economic actions. Features local DAO governance, skillshares, and a reputation-based rewards system.
Exploring Post-Capitalist Crypto Pathways
Creating an ecosystem for systemic transformation, RECURV serves as a collective intelligence hub to foster regenerative economies, offering content and tools to reimagine finance with ecological and social integrity.