Collaborative Evolutionary Protocol for the Design Science Studio

Collaborative Evolutionary Protocol for the Design Science Studio

The Design Science Studio is developing a decentralized, regenerative cultural incubator for creatives, focusing on planet-conscious art and regenerative design, supported by a research grant for collaborative protocol development.
Applied on: 17 Apr 2024 04:38 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 17 Apr 2024 05:10 PM
Project is creating impact through public goods, civic service, civic works, civic innovations or civic utilities.
The project aims to foster cultural evolution through a community of practice and appears committed to creating a regenerative cultural incubator, which aligns with the creation of public goods and civic utilities.
Project exhibits clear relevance to the broad framing of civic innovation.
The project's focus on fostering creativity for the betterment of society and the planet through collaborative art and design science demonstrates clear relevance to civic innovation.
At least one project steward is a member of OpenCivics consortium.
There is no information provided on the membership status of the project stewards within the OpenCivics consortium.
Project team size and skills correlates to use of funds and desired impact.
Insufficient information on the team's size and specific skills relative to the funding use and impact goals has been provided.
Project demonstrates a clear track record of previous work.
The project description implies a historical presence and mentions previous activities, suggesting a track record of work in the cultural and art innovation spaces.
Project must agree to participate in co-development of collaborative and grantee accountability protocols as part of their impact reporting process.
The project's aim to document and develop research and tools indicates a willingness to engage in collaborative and accountable reporting methods.
Project adheres to OpenCivics Ethical Standards and Pledge.
While the project's goals align with ethical standards in promoting regenerative and just futures, there is no explicit statement on their adherence to OpenCivics' specific Ethical Standards and Pledge.
Project stewards pass OFAC screening process.
There is no information available about the results of the project stewards' OFAC screening process.
Optional: Project is encouraged to include focus on collaboration between projects or on tools and infrastructures for collaboration.
The project's emphasis on building a transformative organism and developing a research-funded collaborative protocol suggests a focus on collaboration and potentially the development of tools and infrastructures for it.