VoiceDeck: A Marketplace for Journalism Impact Certificates

VoiceDeck: A Marketplace for Journalism Impact Certificates

Funding journalists via web3 certificates for stories with measurable impact, bypassing traditional grant models, focusing on accountability and incentive for sustained reporting.
Applied on: 14 Apr 2024 02:58 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 14 Apr 2024 03:00 PM
Project is creating impact through public goods, civic service, civic works, civic innovations or civic utilities.
VoiceDeck aims to provide a marketplace for journalism impact certificates, effectively creating a public good by financially rewarding journalistic impact and encouraging in-depth, investigative reporting that serves the civic space.
Project exhibits clear relevance to the broad framing of civic innovation.
The project's focus on sustaining impactful journalism through outcome funding aligns with civic innovation, targeting the improvement of civic engagement and informed public discourse.
At least one project steward is a member of OpenCivics consortium.
The information provided does not indicate whether any project steward is a member of the OpenCivics consortium, a detail that would need to be verified with membership records.
Project team size and skills correlates to use of funds and desired impact.
The founder's background in investigative journalism and experience with platforms in similar domains suggest that the team has relevant skills. However, further investigation into the full team size and skills is needed for a conclusive assessment.
Project demonstrates a clear track record of previous work.
The founder has experience with investigative journalism and civic platforms, and they have conducted a successful pilot with citizen journalism outlets. The GitHub activity also suggests ongoing development work.
Project must agree to participate in co-development of collaborative and grantee accountability protocols as part of their impact reporting process.
There is no explicit indication that the project has agreed to this, although their focus on tracking journalism impact suggests a potential alignment. Confirmation is required from project statements or agreements.
Project adheres to OpenCivics Ethical Standards and Pledge.
While the project's aims appear ethically aligned with supporting public goods, explicit adherence to OpenCivics' ethical standards and pledge is not documented and would need to be confirmed by reviewing project materials or ethical policy statements.
Project stewards pass OFAC screening process.
No information is provided regarding the outcome of an OFAC screening process. This would need to be determined by conducting an actual check.
Optional: Project is encouraged to include focus on collaboration between projects or on tools and infrastructures for collaboration.
The marketplace for journalism impact certificates inherently promotes collaboration, as it connects journalists, newsrooms, and funders in a shared infrastructure designed to acknowledge and support impactful reporting.