VoiceDeck is an outcome based online donation platform
Outcomes already achieved by organizations are recorded as hypercerts on OP mainnet
Donors can directly buy the outcomes they think are impactful, putting the focus on work done rather than the organization doing the work
Each outcome has a fixed price to prevent donors from overpaying. On VoiceDeck, organizations cannot raise more money than the impact they have created
Since launching on October 18 2024, we have had $53 in purchases from 6 donors to support civic activists in India with a history of outcomes
Integration with Allo Protocol
We want to take our MVP for outcome based funding in journalism as a custom strategy on Allo protocol with the following features
Applicants list past outcomes they have created and the cost incurred to achieve that outcome in the application form to the round
Round operator converts those outcomes into hypercerts
Badgeholders choose the hypercerts they feel are valuable, see the price it needs to be fully funded, and make a decision on whether to allocate money for purchasing any of its units
Separates the organization from the outcome that is chosen for funding, alleviating criticism of retro rounds being a popularity contest and brand value being the most important
Creates a variable fundraising cap for each organization based on how many outcomes they list and the price of each outcome listed.
Example: organization A lists 2 outcomes that cost them $100 and $1000 to achieve. They can raise at most $1100 in the round if both hypercerts of theirs get fully funded by badgeholders
- Lends itself well to external (paid) evaluators who can provide attestations on the value of those outcomes for context to badgeholders.
We want a self-regulating mechanism where organizations don't list the cost of achieving the outcome too high since that lowers the impact score (the same outcome is less valuable if it costs more money to achieve it). And they don’t list the cost as too low since that would reduce the price of the hypercert and the eligible funding they can receive in the round.
- Organizations must create new outcomes from money raised to be eligible in future rounds. If a hypercert gets fully funded, they can't list it again in future rounds
Requires a heavier lift from organizations, who have to think carefully about what outcomes they are proud of and estimate the cost of achieving that outcome
Ideally requires some verification of listed outcomes and also the costs of the outcome
Limits the total amount of funding the project receives to the outcomes they have created
Might be confusing for badgeholders or donors since they don’t have to judge organizations but what outcomes were worthy
Use of Funds
Feedback from round operators and community rounds on utility of this module
Product document listing out requirements
Payment to developer for integrating outcome based funding via hypercerts with Allo
This work is a collaboration between Holke Brammer and bitbeckers from the Hypercerts foundation, Sejal Rekhan from Gitcoin and Devansh Mehta from VoiceDeck
VoiceDeck: A Marketplace for Journalism Impact Certificates History
accepted into Allo Builders Advancement Round 4 months ago.
accepted into GG22 OSS - dApps and Apps 4 months ago.
accepted into OpenCivics Collaborative Research Round 7 months ago.
accepted into Asia Round 7 months ago.
accepted into dApps & Apps 10 months ago.
accepted into OpenCivics Consortium Round 02 10 months ago.
accepted into Hypercerts Ecosystem Round 10 months ago.