OpenCivics Consortium Round 02

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 23 Apr 2024 12:00 to 07 May 2024 23:59 (UTC).
Unknown Token 66000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$10560 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
07 May 2024 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Earthist Network
A community initiative promoting regenerative living and public welfare through projects focused on hemp cultivation, seed sovereignty, medicinal mushroom cultivation, regenerative cotton, and silk blending, aiming to revitalize ecosystems and empower local farmers.
Disaster Action Network
Enhancing forest fire preparedness in Turkey through community education, digital risk mapping, stakeholder engagement, and promoting institutional readiness for effective disaster response.
regen village Brussels 2024
Week-long event during EthCC for regenerative projects to exchange knowledge, build community, and inspire collaborations in Web3, public spaces, and governance.
Cryptopols evaluates and tracks US Congress members' sentiments towards crypto through their public statements and legislative actions, aiding crypto-focused voters in making informed decisions.
Kroncash FOREX Research
Kroncash researches public goods, leveraging outdated exchange rates and economic indicators to create tokens reflecting economies, and profits by selling financial data derivatives in DeFi.
AquaDAO is a transparent platform for fair, community-driven decision-making on water policies, aiming to ensure sufficient clean water supply for thriving communities.
DAO platform for residential governance, successful in a 9-person house, integrates Slack-bot for community management, and aims to evolve to Web3. Funding sought for development and expansion.
Civic platform providing structured data on politicians, elections, and legislation to facilitate democratic participation.
Liker Land - NFT eBook - Empower Content Ownership
A blockchain-based digital self-publishing platform that offers decentralized ebook sharing, enables new authors to easily publish and earn royalties, and integrates NFTs to allow true content ownership.
Crowdfunding platform that holds funds for projects until someone completes them, ensuring refunds if projects fail and incentivizing open-source creations.
$EARTH - Open Civics
Digital currency $Earth aims to mobilize $5 trillion annually for clean energy, agriculture, transport, conservation, and solarpunk projects, valuing ecosystem services and promoting a sustainable economy.
Distributed Governance Score Framework: DAO Index
Developing the DAO Index, a standardized framework tool to enhance transparency and governance by benchmarking organization alignment with decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).