AquaDAO is a transparent platform for fair, community-driven decision-making on water policies, aiming to ensure sufficient clean water supply for thriving communities.

Water for all. A better World.

Water is life - literally. Sufficient clean water is the key to thriving communities. Populations without access to water supply will see their youth emigrate and will face an inevitable decline.

Water distribution policies are currently mandated from the top down, subject to the short-term decision-making of the political cycles and often falling prey to lobby groups and local interests.

We need a transparent platform to discuss and agree water policies.

AquaDAO to the rescue!

AquaDAO provides the forum for agreement and transparency on the decision-making.

Under aquaDAO, water policies will be thoroughly discussed, agreed and enacted, bringing communities together under a fair and transparent framework.

aquaDAO History

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我们正在构建基于第 3 层 (L3) 的隐私社交协议,项目内部带有一个单播的 DA 网络,主要使用的技术有纠删码,kzg,bls 和数据存储管证明,网络中的每个节点只存储一个数据片段,kzg和bls来保证数据的有效性和真实性,存管保证保证数据的存在性。单播技术保证了数据的高效上链,使用纠删码技术保证网络中不完整的数据,在一定程度上实现了数据的隐私性,同时修复了mn个的特性(m>=n),将数据交换m份,其中的n份就可恢复出完整的数据从而提高网络同时我们会在layer2上部署一个经济模型合约和验证者合约,经济模型奖励节点积极参数存储数据,惩罚机制防止节点作恶,逆向重新质押协议的质押者质押他们的 ETH 到整个网络,按照逆向重新质押协议协议中,质押者2可获得三重收益,第一个收益来源于质押票的转让,所有上层系统要获取我们第3层隐私社交协议,都需要持有质押票,质押票支持转让交易;第一个来源于layer3网络的激励第三奖励;第一个来源于以太坊信标链上的再次质押收益。验证者合约里面会去验证链下的zk证明者生成的数据证明,网络中的节点随机的不断的验证其他节点的数据真实性。当然,所有网络对采集我们系统,都需要使用我们的隐私加密的sdk进行数据的处理才能发布到链上,我们会提供node、go和rust sdk。我们整个项目目前已经进行了1年半了,也做了一个上层的钱包应用来接收我们的整个系统,目前上层应用的MVP已经完成,layer3链也已经开发完成80%,预计明年Q1会发布layer3链,今天年底会发布上层钱包应用。
Project summary: Bolivian Ethereum community focuses on development, education in Spanish, local problem-solving Web3 projects, and government engagement. Plans include forming a DAO, monthly meet-ups, a major annual event, and educational initiatives.
Founded a subscription media on Web3 in Taiwan, grew to 15,000 readers, and later launched a weekly Chinese newsletter focusing on public goods funding education.
Developing VS-Code extensions and Language Servers for smart contract development, including features like formatting, static analysis, debugging, and integration with Foundry and Hardhat for improved developer experience.
Support ecosystem for AW/FOCG builders providing hacker spaces, hackathons, grants, UBI, and a lab for building sustainable onchain games and technologies as public goods.