average score over 4 application evaluations
Developing VS-Code extensions and Language Servers for smart contract development, including features like formatting, static analysis, debugging, and integration with Foundry and Hardhat for improved developer experience.

Osmium aims to enhance experience of smart contract-developers by providing adapted vs-code extensions toolchains.

As a team of smart-contract developers, we experience everyday how the tools lack maturity. Our goal is to provide the same seamless development experience as any other mainstream languages. It will thus bring more developers to this awesome ecosystem and accelerate the innovation.

To achieve this, we plan to create sets of VS-Code extensions and Language Servers to support all necessary features such as:

  • Format on save
  • Static analyser and compiler warnings / errors
  • Go to definitions
  • Function usages
  • Display Natspec doc on display
  • A debugger integration into the LSP
  • Run tests
  • Support of Foundry and Hardhat development frameworks
  • Deploy a smart contract using a browser / mnemonic wallet on a local chain or testnet/mainnet
  • Interact with smart contracts you imported or already deployed
  • Show gas usages of each function when testing
  • A lot more…

The first toolchain will be for solidity, but we want to support other languages too. Since when developing, tools performance is crucial, we will implement all our extensions in rust, using mainly alloy.

What is funding for?

This grant will help fund weekly stipends for the core team leading Osmium technical & community development—0xtekgrinder, 0xMemoryGrinder, 0xSwapFeeder, Energycube, Leon, Byfish, Enzo.


Discord - https://discord.gg/k8Q5SbXeqx Github: https://github.com/astrodevs-labs/osmium-solidity Twitter - https://twitter.com/osmiumtoolchain

Osmium History

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