Exploring Post-Capitalist Crypto Pathways
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Creating an ecosystem for systemic transformation, RECURV serves as a collective intelligence hub to foster regenerative economies, offering content and tools to reimagine finance with ecological and social integrity.

A collective intelligence dojo for the system alchemists

We stand at a crossroads of humanity's journey. The prevailing system of endless economic growth and extraction has pushed ecosystems and communities to the brink. We must challenge conventional notions of money, capital and crypto, recognizing their role in this trajectory of harm. With advances in AI and automation set to eliminate many jobs, we have an opportunity to envision life beyond labor for basic needs. It is crucial we rethink economics and create currencies capable of providing stability while fulfilling core human needs.

As members of the Web3 community, we strive to disrupt crypto capitalism with financial systems designed for long-term flourishing of people and planet. We aspire towards truly Regenerative Economies and Finance, grounded in ecological harmony, wellbeing, renewal and restoration. While many projects embrace these ideals, most fall short in embodying regenerative principles structurally in their crypto economic designs. Cryptocurrencies often try to solve problems that don't exist, used merely to fund “regenerative” projects. But simply issuing tokens doesn't provide value if the currency itself lacks purpose and connection to its community. To be truly regenerative, there should be a link between currency supply and real-world impact. Most crypto projects remain constrained by the old physics of money and capitalism.

Project Goals

RECURV is a collective intelligence dojo, a relational field of fresh knowledge that transforms the individual and the systems in which they are embedded. It seeks to be a crucible where foundational stones of future social and economic systems are carved. Learners will plunge into the depths of transformative journeys that call their minds and captivates their hearts. We want all to know we are part of the great creation of our times. Recurv invites all to a messy yet creative process, not promised the outcome but given the field and the space to innovate, to call in for what is needed, to name the gaps and bring each fully into the process.

We envision people coming to Recurv not only with the aspiration to design and embody new social economic systems but to recover from the capitalist frames of scarcity, trauma and extraction in which we have been raised.

Recurv is about creativity and capacity building for those that know themselves as creators and alchemists of our social systems. Through our ecosystem of content partners, Recurv brings decades of experience in economics, governance and culture design. Through our learning platform you will have access to information, tools and practical knowledge to support your creativity and participation in the evolution of the human OS for Planet Earth.

Rather than promoting speculative hype cycles, our courses will foster economic reimagination grounded in ecological integrity, social equity, and transparent commons governance. We are ready to evolve economies beyond the scope of money, dismanteling the embedded scarcity and coding for abundance.

Our first track is coming out beginning of May 2024

Exploring Post-Capitalist Crypto Pathways History

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