Protector | Protect Social Fact Layer

Protector | Protect Social Fact Layer

A Chinese governance research group active since 2021, focused on studying and participating in NounsDAO governance, aiming to educate and alert the community about proposal complexities and factual distortions.
Applied on: 22 Nov 2023 11:28 PM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 12:04 PM
Web3 Community & Education Round Eligibility
The project's activities and goals align with the essence of the 'Web3 Community and Education' round, dedicated to governance research and community education within the Web3 ecosystem.
To be eligible for this grant round, applicants must meet the general eligibility policy and the following specific criteria:
The project submission aligns with the round's general eligibility policy and the specified criteria mentioned in its description and provided documentation.
Mission-Oriented: The project must aim to improve the Web3 ecosystem.
Protector's aim to provide governance research and inform community members effectively contributes to the improvement of decision-making processes within the Web3 ecosystem.
Minimum Age: Projects must have been active for at least 3 months.
The project has been operational for nearly two years, which far exceeds the minimum requirement of a 3-month activity.
Qualifying Project Types:
The project's activities encompass several areas among the qualifying project types, such as community growth initiatives, educational material and resources, and possibly investigative journalism.
Community Growth Initiatives
Protector has demonstrated community growth through their governance research squad, expanding to over 200 members and conducting educational meetings.
Educational Material & Resources
The weekly governance meetings and research reports are educational resources designed to help stakeholders understand governance proposals and events.
Investigative Journalism (e.g. impact reporting, bad actor investigations)
While Protector conducts due diligence on governance proposals, which may involve some aspects of investigative journalism, it is not clear if their activities include impact reporting or bad actor investigations in the traditional sense.
Content Creation (e.g., YouTube tutorials, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, memes)
The project description does not clearly indicate any specific content creation such as YouTube tutorials, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, or memes.
Community-Building DAOs
The governance research group operates in a manner similar to a DAO, involving members in weekly governance research meetings and collective learning.
User Onboarding
The educational aspect of Protector's work, through research meetings and the dissemination of knowledge about proposals, contributes to onboarding new users into the Web3 space.
Inclusion, Diversity, and Advocacy Programs
There is no specific mention in the project's description of programs or initiatives aimed directly at inclusion, diversity, and advocacy.