Protector | Protect Social Fact Layer

$88.96 crowdfunded from 47 people

$53.48 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
A Chinese governance research group active since 2021, focused on studying and participating in NounsDAO governance, aiming to educate and alert the community about proposal complexities and factual distortions.

Protector is a governance research squad, entirely composed of Chinese members.


Operating for nearly two years since October 2021, our focus from late 2021 to 2022 was primarily on theoretical and case studies, centering on public goods and their self-governance. We organized a small group of 86, hosting 75 book clubs/research meetings. In early 2023, we shifted towards practical involvement, participating in the governance of NounsDAO. As of November 14, 2023, we have independently conducted due diligence on proposals numbered 237 to 438 and established a group of over 200 members. We hold a public governance research meeting weekly, totaling 47 sessions, where we share interesting points and lessons learned from the proposals, along with controversies, with the community.


Our name, 'Protector,' reflects our role not as Protect Holders or Builders, but as protectors of the community's factual layer. We believe that in a well-ordered governance system, every value can be expressed, leading to a harmonious emergence of diversity. This necessitates a role that continually strives to present the community with the complex nature, rules, strengths, weaknesses, and value orientations underlying events, constantly restoring distorted facts.


In 2024, we plan to continue what we have been doing every week over the past year:

  • Research reports on proposals/events, aiming to help stakeholders affected by governance understand the complexities behind different proposals/events.
  • Weekly governance meetings to maintain a fair forum, facilitating heuristic governance debates to provide participants with broader perspectives.
  • Risk alerts for key proposals, taking responsibility to raise awareness and organize community alerts for proposals that severely distort or hide essential facts. Unlike 2023, we will expand the scope of our governance research, moving from NounsDAO in the first quarter to include Optimism, Arbitrum, and Polygon.


Our fundamental principle is to relinquish the right to vote in favor. We conduct responsible research and investigations into proposals, opposing only those that severely distort basic facts, like lies or hidden conflicts of interest. For regular value conflicts, we step back, turning to our routine work, like a workshop practicing the arts of research and governance. We adhere to a fixed rhythm, weekly studying different events/proposals, sharing with the community the different value positions and interests from our perspective, and importantly, the situations of the issues themselves and some intriguing aspects.

Organizational Process

Before Monday: We complete basic research on the week's topic, forming a proposal research document. Monday: In a pre-meeting, four members discuss all proposals, selecting two to three for discussion in Tuesday's governance meeting. The proposal sharing session focuses on the complexity behind the topics, or on exceptionally good ideas, to enlighten more people about the fascinating aspects of Crypto. Tuesday: Governance meeting. This is an open meeting where members publicly debate the proposals."

Protector | Protect Social Fact Layer History

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