

We propose a reputation aggregator system to evaluate blockchain-based grants programs, using on-chain data and grantee opinions to assign reputations, improving resource allocation and decision-making in the ecosystem.
Applied on: 4 Jul 2024 02:57 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 5 Jul 2024 12:16 AM
Technical Expertise and Experience: - Proven experience in development and smart contract design, particularly on the Arbitrum network. - Strong understanding of reputation systems and their implementation in a blockchain context. - Familiarity with privacy-preserving technologies like zkSNARKs and experience with Semaphore is a plus.
The team has won multiple hackathons, including those focused on the Arbitrum network, and has strong experience in smart contract development and blockchain governance protocols.
Project Alignment and Integration: - The proposed solution must integrate with the Web3 Grant Registry's existing smart contract infrastructure (Gitcoin Allo Protocol) on the Arbitrum network. - Ability to develop user profiles, rating mechanisms, and review platforms that align with the registry's objectives.
The proposal explicitly mentions integration with existing smart contract infrastructure and Karma GAP frontend, as well as development of user profiles, rating mechanisms, and review platforms.
Development Scope and Milestones: - Commitment to delivering on all required features, including integration with Karma GAP user/project profiles, rating mechanisms, objective metrics integration, and subjective review platform. - Ability to meet the project timeline, with work completed by August 30, 2024.
The project has clearly defined milestones and timelines extending to August 25, 2024, which indicates commitment to delivering all required features. The scope includes integration with Karma GAP.
Open-Source Commitment: - Willingness to release all work under appropriate open-source licenses (e.g., MIT, GNU, or Apache).
The team has a history of contributing to open-source projects and mentions building in public (goods) and using open-source licenses.
Communication and Support: - Commitment to regular communication, including bi-weekly progress updates. - Ability to provide ongoing maintenance and support during the build, testing, and launch phases.
The proposal outlines a detailed plan for regular communication, including weekly evaluations and bi-weekly progress updates, as well as a dedicated support team for ongoing maintenance.