average score over 1 application evaluations
We propose a reputation aggregator system to evaluate blockchain-based grants programs, using on-chain data and grantee opinions to assign reputations, improving resource allocation and decision-making in the ecosystem.


This proposal outlines the second phase of the Trustful MVP, a Reputation Aggregator System. In this phase, we will aggregate onchain data to evaluate grants programs. After researching evaluation methods, we will collect and attest (through EAS) grantee opinions onchain, assigning reputations to these programs.

What are you building:

A Reputation Aggregator System designed to evaluate addresses (members, grants programs, DAOs, etc.). By aggregating onchain data such as past grantees, community support, defined milestones, detailed grant scopes, and contributions to the ecosystem, we aim to match high-quality grants with future builders. This will make resource allocation fairer and support data-driven decision-making for applicants.

Project Vision:

The project is an experiment in the field of on-chain reputation and aims to address gaps still present in the ecosystem, such as Proof of Humanity, Verifiable Track Record of Past Contributions, and Valocracy.

“Hence, “Valocracy”: A novel and structured social, economic, and political framework that attempts to leverage blockchain technology in order to create new forms of organizations with the goal of empowering communities along with their individuals and their combined efforts.”

Addressed problems

  1. Verifiable track record of past: Fair Resource Allocation and Role Assignment 1.1 Lack of a Verifiable Track Record: Many grants distributed have funded unfinished projects or projects where the project creator vanished. This misallocation of resources not only wastes funding but also undermines the trust and effectiveness of the grant system. Ensuring that grants are directed towards projects with a proven track record of completion and sustained engagement is crucial for fostering a productive ecosystem. 1.2 Arbitrariness in role selection decisions: Roles should be assigned to individuals with extensive knowledge and building experience in specific areas. Decisions should be based on verifiable reputation – contribution-based role assignment. This is also a factor in the selection of reviewers and enhances the support of these individuals leading the grants programs to the grantees.

2. Enhancing Grant Program Effectiveness Through Strategic Principles

2.1 Fair Resource Allocation: Ensure that resources are allocated based on the quality and potential impact of proposed projects, rather than solely on the amount requested or on who requested. This includes evaluating methodologies, the projected positive impact on relevant communities or sectors, and the long-term sustainability of the project.

2.2 Quality of Impactful Projects: Emphasize projects that demonstrate innovation, technical feasibility, and strong execution capabilities. Evaluation metrics should include detailed work plans, strategic partnerships, and clear, measurable outcomes.

2.3 Transparency and Accountability: Track if a Grant Program maintain a transparent and accountable selection process. This involves publicly disclosing evaluation criteria, engaging multiple stakeholders in decision-making, and implementing mechanisms for fund accountability.

2.4 Promotion of Innovation and Collaboration: Encourage proposals that foster innovation within the ecosystem and promote collaboration among diverse stakeholders. This can be facilitated through thematic challenges, mentoring programs, or networking opportunities for grant recipients.

3. Enhanced Applicant/Project Quality:

3.1 Implement strategies to attract and select high-quality applicants by enhancing the grants program's reputation: This approach boosts engagement and ensures decisions are guided by individuals recognized for their expertise within specific areas of the ecosystem. It also attracts projects aligned with the program's commitment to ecosystem growth.

Why does this product matter for Cartographer Syndicate?

  • Advanced Technological Integration: Implementing a reputation aggregator like Trustful allows Cartographer Syndicate to integrate robust on-chain data for grant programs. This enables users to access comprehensive, verifiable information about grants directly on the Karma GAP page.
  • Enhanced Transparency and Reliability: By leveraging on-chain data, the Cartographers Syndicate can provide transparent and reliable insights into grant programs. This includes details on program clarity, reviewer quality, platform usage metrics, and ongoing support, fostering trust among stakeholders.
  • Improved Decision-Making: The protocol enhances decision-making by offering clear, data-driven metrics for assessing grant program effectiveness. This ensures that grants are directed towards projects with proven track records and impactful outcomes, thereby optimizing resource allocation.

Architecture/Development Process:

Badge Import Interface

Purpose: Allows grantees to select the grant program and import evaluation badges.

  • Function: createAttestation(address grantProgram, string memory badgeType)
    • Description: Allows grantees to create an attestation for a grant program using EAS.

Scorer Creation and Management

Purpose: Interface to create and manage scorers who evaluate grant programs.

  • Function: createScorer(string memory scorerName)
    • Description: Allows the creation of a new scorer with a specific name.
  • Function: selectScorer(address scorer)
    • Description: Allows selection of an existing scorer for managing evaluations.

Attestation Issuance

Purpose: Interface for grantees to select badge types and digitally sign evaluations using the EAS system.

Integration with Karma GAP Frontend

Purpose: Interacts with the Karma GAP frontend to fetch available grant programs and enable grantees to make evaluations directly on the platform.

Connection to EAS

Purpose: Manages attestations using standardized schemas for validation and interaction.

  • Storage and Validation: Stores and validates grantee-created attestations, ensuring integrity and transparency.
  • Immutable Records: Creates immutable attestation records to ensure trust and traceability.

Evaluation Badge Issuance

Purpose: Grantees issue badges like "Supporter Reviewer" and "Well Written Grant," signing attestations for validation.

  • Function: addBadgeType(string memory badgeType, uint256 points)
    • Description: Adds a new badge type and corresponding points.

Specific Evaluation Criteria

Purpose: Each badge represents an evaluation criterion with an associated point value (e.g., "Supporter Reviewer" is worth 10 points, "Well Written Grant" is worth 2 points).

  • Function: getBadgePoints(address grantProgram, string memory badgeType)
    • Description: Returns points associated with a badge type.
  • Issuance and Recording: Badge issuance generates an attestation recorded in the EAS contract.

Grant Program Recognition and Validation

Purpose: The grant program recognizes and validates grantee participation, confirming attestations and showcasing the program's competence.

  • Cumulative Scoring: The total score of the grant program is the sum of points from assigned badges.
  • Function: getGrantScore(address grantProgram)
    • Description: Returns the cumulative score of a grant program.

🚧 This roadmap and proposal represent initial scopes of work. As a secondary plan, we may include zkSNARKS and other features required in the RFP. However, our initial focus will be on the reputation technology for grant programs.

Please note that this is an initial scope and may be subject to improvements and, consequently, changes as necessary. Adjustments will be made in accordance with integrations with Karma GAP to ensure that the reputation system aligns optimally with the proposed requirements.

Timeline and milestones for the development and integration of the reputation system/Budget and cost breakdown

Milestone Overview

Research and Initial Setup

Period: July 16 - July 23

  • Conduct research for creating scores
  • Analyze grants
  • Collect feedback from grantees
  • Begin development of the badge import interface
  • Start integration with Karma GAP frontend
    Value: $10,000 ARB

Attestation Issuance, EAS Connection, and Evaluation Badge Issuance

Period: July 24 - August 6

  • Implement an interface for grantees to select badge types and digitally sign evaluations using the EAS system
  • Develop the connection to EAS for managing attestations using standardized schemas
  • Store and validate created attestations
  • Enable grantees to issue badges like "Supporter Reviewer" and "Well Written Grant," signing attestations for validation
  • Add new badge types and corresponding points
    Value: $16,000 ARB

Specific Evaluation Criteria and Recording

Period: August 7 - August 13

  • Define each badge as an evaluation criterion with an associated point value
  • Implement the function to return points associated with a badge type
  • Ensure issuance and recording of attestations in the EAS contract
    Value: $7,000 ARB

Grant Program Recognition and Validation

Period: August 14 - August 20

  • Develop functionality for the grant program to recognize and validate grantee participation
  • Implement cumulative scoring of the grant program
  • Finalize and test the complete system
    Value: $7,000 ARB

Final Review and Deployment

Period: August 21 - August 25

  • Conduct a final review of the entire system
  • Implement final adjustments and improvements
  • Deploy the system to production
    Value: $5,000 ARB

Total Value

Total: $45,000 ARB

Team composition and relevant experience of key members and Portfolio of previous work demonstrating relevant skills and expertise

Meet the team:

Team Members

Alex T. Netto

Role: ED, Smart Contract Engineer
Bio: 9º Top ENS Delegate; Kernel Fellow; Zuzalian; Chainlink developer expert; Winner of more than 7 Hackathons including ETHSão Paulo, ETHSamba, SmartCon, ETH Belgrade and ETHGlobal NY.

Guilherme Neves

Role: Head of Smart Contract Engineering
Bio: Contributor to the blockchain ecosystem as an advisor in the Valocracy Manifesto article, and Open-source builder/community lead, built different applications in blockchain; Winner of 5 Hackathons, including 2 from Ethereum.

Daniela Zschaber

Role: Product Manager
Bio: PM, Arbitrum delegate and active member, Chainlink Community Advocate; Postgraduate professor in Web3 MBAs and colleges; Winner of Ethereum Argentina Hackathon (reputation protocol) and ETH Belgrade Hackathon; Speaker at ETH Belgrade, Ethereum Argentina, SmartCon, ETH Denver and the main events in Brazil.


Role: Product Manager
Bio: A governance nerd, coming from experience design and local politics in Brazil. Working for multiple DAOs and creating others he’s been dedicated to finding ways to improve community governance for the last three years and is part of the Blockful public goods R&D team.

Heron Lancellot

Role: Frontend Developer
Bio: Web3 Frontend Developer, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems at Federal Fluminense University, Open-Source contributor; Winner of 3 Hackathons, and building with purpose on the path of innovation.

Rafael Sanches

Role: FullStack Developer
Bio: FullStack Developer specializing in Web3 technologies, with over three years of experience as a Cyber Security Consultant at PwC. Actively contributed to numerous open-source projects, with commitment to innovation and community growth. Driven by a passion for decentralized solutions, I seek to contribute to the Web3 landscape by creating secure, scalable, and user-centric applications that empower individuals and reshape the digital economy.

Meet Blockful:

// about blockful

🌱 We build in public (goods) to optimize human coordination through open-source.

We work with DAOs to increase their longevity by participating, researching and improving governance and protocol development.

🔗 More (and cool) info here: meet blockful

Relevant/recent contributions to the ecosystem

🟩 Blockful addressed a critical governance risk in the ENS DAO related to delegate power imbalances. We implemented a proposal utilizing the veto proposer role to ensure balanced decision-making and established a Security Council to oversee contract updates and audits. Check the proposal: [EP5.7][Social] Security Council

🟩 ENS - [EP5.2] [Executable] Commence Streams for Service Providers

🟩 Shutter DAO 0x36 - Proposal to Launch an RFP for Auditing the Technical Contribution in Developing Staking

🟩 Shutter DAO 0x36 - Select A Dev House on Retainer

This is a feedback from avsa (ENS co-founder) about our deliveries and work ethics.

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Bla bla bla