

Community-based platform that escrows funds for crowdfunded projects, rewards successful project completion, and reinforces trust by providing refunds for unfulfilled projects.
Applied on: 3 Nov 2023 10:52 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 02:40 PM
Projects are creating impact through public goods, civic service, civic works, civic innovations or civic utilities.
viaPrize's bounty-based approach to crowdfunded projects supports the creation and delivery of public goods, directly aligning with civic service and innovation.
Projects exhibit clear relevance to the broad framing of civic innovation (What is civic innovation? )
viaPrize offers a novel funding mechanism that encourages community participation and project completion, falling within the ideologies of civic innovation.
At least one project steward is a member of OpenCivics consortium (Application link: )
There is no information provided regarding the membership status of project stewards within the OpenCivics consortium.
Project team size and skills correlates to use of funds and desired impact.
The project plans to use the budget to pay a team of developers and contribute to meta-prizes, indicating a clear correlation between team skills, use of funds, and intended impact.
Project demonstrates a clear track record of previous work.
The project has a documented history of distributing awards for the completion of public goods projects, demonstrating a tangible track record.