OpenCivics Genesis Round

Ran on the PGN Mainnet blockchain from 14 Nov 2023 23:59 to 29 Nov 2023 00:00 (UTC).
Unknown Token 14.3
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$1.43 Unknown Token
Matching Cap
Total Donors
29 Nov 2023 00:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Ogallala Life
Implementing nature-based infiltration systems to rehydrate landscapes across the High Plains Aquifer, including public projects like West Amarillo Creek rehydration and developing eco-credits for wetland conservation.
Donor amount: $3362.24
Match amount: $3166.17
33 contributions
Latticework Labs
Lattice Protocols by Latticework Labs facilitate open-source solutions for large-scale societal issues, promoting civic innovation through advisory services and collaborative protocol design for distributed technologies.
Donor amount: $3066.02
Match amount: $3166.17
36 contributions
An open-sourced dApp offering ad-free, non-intrusive petitions and manifestos with a "Share to Earn" model to reward users for advocating causes and privacy-focused features.
Donor amount: $244.15
Match amount: $3166.17
59 contributions
Community-based platform that escrows funds for crowdfunded projects, rewards successful project completion, and reinforces trust by providing refunds for unfulfilled projects.
Donor amount: $635.51
Match amount: $2614.83
36 contributions
ZK DeCiv Tookit
Developing a toolkit for decentralized civic engagement with private digital voting, crypto-based fundraising, and secure identity verification using zero-knowledge proofs and multi-party computation for EVM-compatible blockchains.
Donor amount: $130.08
Match amount: $2939.24
82 contributions
Ethereal Forest is Building PDX DAO as a Public Good
PDX DAO, now Ethereal Forest, focuses on creating a participatory city DAO with research, tool curation, community engagement, global collaboration, and real-life events for local public good initiatives.
Donor amount: $168.28
Match amount: $2523.59
52 contributions
RadicalxChange Foundation
RadicalxChange Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to finding ways to improve basic institutions in markets and democracy.
Donor amount: $213.93
Match amount: $2171.51
40 contributions
DAO Coalition
Launched governance strategy for Hats Protocol, developing Gitcoin Passport module, and aiming for 501c4 status to begin lobbying for DAO legal clarity by Q1 2024.
Donor amount: $144.73
Match amount: $2195.90
47 contributions
The Commons Economy Roadmap - Iteration 1
Launching a six-month content initiative to spotlight 20 promising Blockchain4Good projects, creating a virtuous cycle of attention and resources, aiming to develop into a decentralized R&D protocol for a Commons-Centric economy.
Donor amount: $136.02
Match amount: $1897.37
43 contributions
Developing a web3 platform to facilitate community land acquisition and governance using regenerative design, innovative financing, and governance models for sustainable community stewardship and bioregional regeneration.
Donor amount: $124.08
Match amount: $1637.63
42 contributions
Bloom Network
Bloom Network enables grassroots climate action through Web3, enabling member-governed local hubs for climate repair projects focused on food security, watershed care, and economic sovereignty.
Donor amount: $89.53
Match amount: $1393.81
44 contributions
WaterUnity Network Alpha to Beta
WaterUnity Networks and IncentiVibe partner to empower and reward community-driven, watershed regeneration efforts through an online platform and decentralized event management system. Funds will automate processes and support proof of concept projects.
Donor amount: $121.64
Match amount: $1258.24
42 contributions
Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices
Open-source, snapshot-style Pairwise voting dapp for community decision-making, offering an intuitive, engaging alternative to traditional voting systems; compatible with EVM chains and designed for Web3 DAOs.
Donor amount: $84.86
Match amount: $1227.50
42 contributions
Re-Public: Personal Data Utilities for Humans
Re-Public is an open-source platform that empowers individuals to maintain autonomy over their data in the metaverse, providing private clouds, toolkits for developers, and decentralized apps, all while prioritizing user sovereignty and privacy.
Donor amount: $88.93
Match amount: $1207.08
47 contributions
Mechanism Institute
Think tank developing and studying coordination mechanisms; features a library of 130+ design patterns, various tools for mechanism ROI analysis, and seminars on practical strategy application.
Donor amount: $97.47
Match amount: $1096.51
44 contributions