The Commons Economy Roadmap - Iteration 1

$286.87 crowdfunded from 102 people

$2,234.11 received from matching pools

Launching a six-month content initiative to spotlight 20 promising Blockchain4Good projects, creating a virtuous cycle of attention and resources, aiming to develop into a decentralized R&D protocol for a Commons-Centric economy.

The Commons Economy Roadmap is an ambitious project launching in January 2024, by Crypto Commons Association team and a network of supporting organizations.

After more than a year of ideation (yes, in a way the project is much older than 3 months, especially considering it's research-based) planning and feedback sessions with our community at the events in the Commons Hub (ReFi, CoFi, CCG23) and in other allied spaces, we are now ultimating the preparation of the knowledge base and the social media strategy!

The project in his first iteration is simple: we selected 20 of the most interesting and promising projects in the broad Blockchain4Good space, and we are going to publish content about them for 6 months (Iteration 1).

More attention to the projects -> more resources for the projects themselves -> more resources for the adaptive evolution of the Roadmap -> more attention to more projects : a simple and effective virtuous cycle (see business plan in the link for more detail)

In the process, we want to gather as many feedback and contributors as possible, as the bigger plan is to transform the Commons Economy Roadmap into a decentralized research&development protocol!

Curating the selections criteria, the admission of new projects to the Roadmap and the production of practical knowledge about them as a network of expert organizations and individuals, so that this artifact can become a collective infrastructure for the systematic growth and betterment of the Commons-Centric economy.

Any donation in this GG19 round is more than appreciated, especially as a signal of interest and willingness to support the Roadmap; if you are interested into how we are going to make this project economically sustainable, please check the provided link.

The full plan and knowledge base is being developed in nov and dec 2023, Iteration 1 will start in January 2024 and running for 6 months.

This is the link to read about the project and stay tuned. Thanks for your time and attention!

The Commons Economy Roadmap - Iteration 1 History

  • accepted into OpenCivics Genesis Round 7 months ago. 43 people contributed $136 to the project, and $1,897 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 59 people contributed $151 to the project, and $337 of match funding was provided.

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