WaterUnity Network Alpha to Beta

$121.64 crowdfunded from 42 people

$1,258.24 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
WaterUnity Networks and IncentiVibe partner to empower and reward community-driven, watershed regeneration efforts through an online platform and decentralized event management system. Funds will automate processes and support proof of concept projects.


If you believe in this initiative, now it’s time to vote with your donations! Follow the link to contribute directly in the OpenCivics Genesis Grant Round #GG19.

LI(NK: https://bit.ly/3sO2FnP

Quadratic Funding is a form of collective intelligence for philanthropy that relies on people like YOU to donate and vote with your crypto.

Visit go.OpenCivics.co/genesisround to discover and donate to the other worthy projects.

Visit learn.Metamask.io if you’re new to web3 and Gitcoin, to learn how to set up a wallet and go.OpenCivics.co/gitcoinpassportguide to learn how to get started with Gitcoin and Gitcoin Passport.

Dive in, the Water's fine and Every Drop Counts! Please reach out to us to answer any questions.

Contact us: https://www.waterunity.life/ ourworldswater@gmail.com


PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Updated: 11/17/23)


Coordinating, verifying and rewarding those internally aligned, locally empowered, bio-regionally connected, globally networked, and universally compassionate actions for the benefit of present and future generations of All Life!


WATERUNITY NETWORKS (WUN) is an online and in-place social framework guided by the organizational design of the Watershed Wisdom Councils Concept (WWCC) and our Source Water itself. WUN serves as a collaboration portal, educational hub, and wisdom repository for Watershed regeneration and the creation of resilient communities.

The INCENTIVIBE software is an self-organizing system to facilitate purpose driven event management, as well as network and branch cultivation by automatically distributing resources to meetings and other group activities, based on performance and accrued reputation.

The INCENTIVIBE software incentivizes good vibes within communities towards their shared goal. Water testing, signature gathering, fundraisers, door knocking, pledges to vote, humanitarian aid delivered, each community has their unique focus and IncentiVibe is designed to recognize performance. IncentiVibe incentivizes action by distributing resources according to verified performance, eliminating the need for centralized case-by-case approvals and empowering communities to act within their peers’ expectations.


Grant money from GG19 will be split between monitoring conditions on the ground, scaling up appropriate actions, such as facilitating Watershed cleanups and coordinating resources critical for survival to provide basic essential such as water filters.


INCENTIVIBE is currently requires manual intervention by human representatives of an organization. Investing in this grant goes towards automating these manual processes to make IncentiVibe a self-service platform. Functional upgrades will focus on distributing finances:

  1. With an integrated multisig wallet for distributing performance rewards;

  2. and the LexDAO automated conflict resolution protocol.

WATERUNITY NETWORKS (WUN) WUN portions of the funds will be allocated towards administration and coordination in developing a series of proof of concept projects allowing the framework to move from alpha to beta development. WUN will be coordinating our collaborations with our strategic allies to refine these initiatives and integrate the IncentiVibe application to track, verify and reward participants for their work on their regenerative projects.


Water's diversity of life sustains and strengthens Earth's intricate nurturing biospheric web. And this included the human species. Cycling interconnected relationships weave together the tapestry of life, uniting all living beings in a delicate yet enduring dance of democratic complexity.

Yet ecosystems are being destroyed and all species are irreparably suffering significant decline. Good people are caught in the crossfire of geopolitical conflicts. Long established cultures are shattered, rarely to recover. Vast numbers of children have their future hopes lost forever. This is the real news underlying headlines flooding the media.

Many families are without access to the basics of survival - safe water, nourishing food, secure shelter - but help can not reach them because of the consequences of war and displacement.

This is not that we do not care about the suffering of the world - innumerable compassionate people around the world want to help, but don't know how they can or what to do.

As an immune response, WUN is striving to create an intentional and well organized "Culture of Caring" for restoring and regenerating our vital Watersheds.

With community organizing, effective methods, strategy, and systems are required to make the most of people's time, efforts and good intentions. The principles of civics are applied to empower individuals and groups within any community to address their shared concerns and work collectively toward positive change.

In the very best application of "civics", a society is able to effectively manage the complexity of any crises for a more beneficial outcome for the most number of people, for the greatest benefit of those in greatest need – no matter what the cause. Establishing mechanisms and systems for intentional civics are vital for this work for solutions.


Not only is access to safe water is a basic human right, it is required for a peaceful society. This WUN initiative is cultivating local Watershed Restoration field projects - front and center - because water filters are an easy and simple solution. Recent scientific results are showing that living systems are the most available, lowest cost, highest impact, and longest benefit solution to climate catastrophe.

It's definitively shown that the act of restoring a Watershed significantly improves the quality of All Life within and around it, By beginning to heal the human relationship to the natural world, that which sustains us affects the social disputes that are and will increasingly be the consequence of the current dysfunctional paradigm.

While connecting networks of regenerative people with efficient, effective processes, we are activating a far-reaching proactive collective stewardship within the human species and generating "cultures of caring" in Watersheds around the world. Through this, we inspire the co-creation of bio-regionally connected and globally networked local wisdom councils serving their own resilient Watershed communities.

The collaborative efforts of this grant will have immediate relevance, as we are already implementing this strategy - currently working to connect regenerative practitioners and their projects in many countries, as well as raising direct mutual aid for the victims of the horrors in the Middle East.

Not only do we believe these IncentiVibe tools to critical to effectively and efficiently verifying the delivery of direct aid in a humanitarian crisis and return with accurate metrics, we know, without a doubt, that engaging the IncentiVibe app will have a potent impact on the eco-restoration work so needed in Watersheds all around the world.

Understanding that every crisis situation has its unique set of complex issues, an example of these dovetailing collaborative initiatives are the efforts to provide emergency humanitarian aid to the victims devastated by Hamas’s October 7th attacks ~ especially for the most severely impacted women and children:

  1. This first initiative is implementing the first steps of our inspirational marketing vanguard, raising awareness and funds through community meetings, as well as contributing on media and music campaigns, educating on the needs and conditions, interfacing with the leaders of our Watershed Communities, leading social media thunderclaps, etc.

  2. The WUN framework provides the bridging system for coordinating the conversion of this inspiration into effective actions by supporting citizen cohorts working locally in the field and from afar, first with comprehensive needs assessments, then how to provide the basics for survival - food, shelter, and medical care, with an emphasis on providing filters for access to safe water.

  3. WUN will be amplifying the voices for peace on all sides, coordinating advisors and experts, monitoring vital resources in critical areas, including impacts on the Water & ecosystem; and help focalize the regenerative projects striving to restore peace and abundance to the Watershed Communities once the conflicts have eased.

  4. WaterUnity Networks (WUN) will be incorporating the tools offered by the fully integrated IncentiVibe app throughout each of these actions, to scale, verify and reward these collaborations as individuals and communities take purposeful actions towards critical environmental and humanitarian causes.

Together we can generate the whole system solutions the world desperately needs and create a "culture of caring" to revitalize ALL of Life on Earth. Help us develop this technology so everyone can not only follow their heart to give their time and human-power, but can trust others on the ground with the responsibility to deliver – then build upon our excellent work to accelerate the resiliency of our communities.


INCENTVIBE software is an self-organizing, decentralized system facilitating event management, and network or branch cultivation by automatically distributing resources to meetings and other group activities, based on performance and accrued reputation.

Any organization or community looking for earned media and specific metrics, such as decentralized voting, testing, signatures, witnesses, etc., can use IncentiVibe to automatically verify participation and distribute resources based on people’s ability to complete projects, deliver media impressions and reporting of specific data metrics.

Please see this flowchart for an overview of the current IncentiVibe process: https://excalidraw.com/#room=4efe59c179e8777bf6e6,-Nc2Z42egkRuF21wKtzmFQ

Benefits of using a decentralized event management system like IncentiVibe app are:

A. For events: 1) Invite people to an event, include our QR code

 2) Confirm a person attended an event by scanning QR code at the door

 3) Attendees are given a NFT for any events they attend

 4) Events are measured by:
         a. The hashtag media produced from the event
         b. The number of attendees attesting to future action (voting, testing, signatures, etc.)

B. Hosting events: 1) Event hosts and support can be identified with a badge, by the first organizers

  	2) Hosts and supporters must verify their Government issued ID

  	3) Hosts can independently schedule an event

 	 4) To be eligible for resources and recognition, events must be attended by:
           	 a. A marketing person
            	b. A code of conduct person
            	c. A scribe or media person

	  5) Event resources are retroactively available based on results
            	a. Unsuccessful events can have resources clawed back with an automated 
     adjudication system

	  6) Event hosts and support are awarded:
            	a. Badges for organizing
            	b. Points for results

 7) Resources increase and are available up front as hosts and their support earn reputation from successful events

C. Event network: 1) Event resources and results are public and can be summarized for presentations a. Results include actions by verified accounts (ie government ID) 2) Personal reputation can be used as tickets to any event.


INCENTIVIBE is born of Lobby3’s DeVox, which is being piloted in this OpenCivics GG19 round. While DeVox focuses on transparency and accountability once a community issue is clear, IncentiVibe, amongst other things, helps organize a community's civic actions to help recognize what issues are most important for the stakeholders.

The WATERSHED WISDOM COUNCILS CONCEPT and the resulting WATERUNITY NETWORKS were inspired from a direct intimate encounter with a mama gray whale in San Ignacio lagoon in Baja. This moment in time has motivated the WUN systems of collaborative advocacy and democratic networking that has been in development for over 15 years and in active design of the structures and strategy for the past 3 years. In this process, the effective power for how small groups of dedicated individuals working collectively can get a complex message communicated and can, in truth, choose to change the paradigm of life on Earth has come more and more clear.

The strategy and blueprint of the Watershed Wisdom Councils Concept and the resulting WaterUnity Networks has been in development for over 12 years with the vision to accelerate climate solutions and actions on behalf of nature, biodiversity, and future generations.

Being deeply connected to the Earth that sustains us comes with the understanding that the urgent necessity of smart and efficient tools to mitigate climate change through transparent actions.


This OpenCivics quote perfectly embodies the Be. WUN approach:

"Civics is the substrate for civilization’s core functions and the underlying framework for coordination between actors in the commons and in communities, while holding strong to the values of care and stewardship that are designed into the systems we create and deploy."

Among the purpose-driven collaborators in the WaterUnity Networks, Eliza Herald has gathered over 200 + years of combined Watershed restoration and community building expertise for the Commons.

Sean Gonzalez and associates of inventiVibe are pioneers in decentralized civics applications of Web3 and blockchain.

We see clearly that our environmental, collective, and personal life support systems are being critically impacted by the uncontrolled human-caused ecological and societal chaos threatening the balance of All Life as we know it. And this is happening faster than we can easily prepare for or adapt to sensibly.

According to a study published last September in Science Advances, humans have exceeded six of the nine planetary boundaries keeping earth habitable, pushing the life sustaining biosphere “well outside the safe operating space". What is our response to be?

Certainly this is humanity's wake up call. In response, WUN is gathering a flotilla of rapid response mentors to teach concerned citizens how to activate as effective Watershed Stewards. Through these efforts, we intend to find and implement the best revitalizing human behaviors for the benefit of the Water, and All Life nurtured by the Watershed.

Not only do we need new tools and techniques, this imperative requires humanity to face the hard truth that we have only a small window of opportunity to turn the "Tipping Point" toward thriving, abundant living systems, rather than the dying paradigm we are currently caught up in.

We can not afford to wait to take responsibility. We must begin working together to implement solutions immediately or lose our chance.

To some degree, we each and all contribute to this catastrophic disruption of our planet's hydrologic cycle. As such, every person living has the imperative responsibility to find and implement the most effective nature-based, whole-system solutions where they live.

We are called to accelerate our capacity for affecting the greatest beneficial change with the least amount of unintended consequences. The range and scope of these aligned efforts depend on the level of funding our coalition can secure for each team's endeavor.

WUN OFFERS VIABLE SOLUTIONS WaterUnity Networks is collaborating with IncentiVibe, and other key regenerative partners to develop a series of proof of concepts initiatives, embedding the IncentiVibe app and software into their various community capacity-building frameworks and campaigns.

This allows eco-revivalists to track and verify their participation toward earned distribution of much-needed resources for revitalizing Life on Earth. WUN inspires the readiness to learn how to work together collectively, towards a thriving abundance for All Life born and nurtured by Water, organized for effectiveness.

In our alpha phase, WUN concentrated on building relationships, gathering the coalition of committed allies aligned with our shared Water-centric ethos, relative to each ally providing their vital piece of the bigger puzzle as they work in their specific sectors of society–as required to accomplish our collective mission. Now we are ready to launch.


Now we are prepared to activate the beta phase of this strong network alliance of radical collaboration to intentionally accomplish the tangible action steps for the required whole-system solutions. We evolve or we perish.

We're ready to take our initiative from a well envisioned concept to a series of functioning proof of concepts for validating the overall viability and making refinements to our templates to get ready for prime time.

Our goal in 2024 is to launch into the beta phase of this initiative by inviting a core group of participants to attract, engage and train tight teams of Watershed Stewards to activate regenerative projects, concentrating in a few of the world's most vital river basins. Meanwhile, we continue to activate, building on what we have already done.

In applying for the OpenCivics Genesis Grant Round, we see this investment as a way to amplifying this seed capital to help us accelerate these crucial next steps in the next year:

  1. Develop our Core Advisory Council and hire a small administrative staff;

  2. Raise additional funds to cover expenses for market research, product development, and continuing operating costs for automating the IncentiVibe app and applying it in practice;

  3. Map and triage up to 7 critical river basins in crisis, to prioritize tasks, issues, and solutions based on their urgency, importance, or available resources, and empower local citizens to organize around specific regenerative projects.

  4. Depending on the amount of funding received, we will activate the series of pilot programs in these select river basins to test our methods and refining the efficacy of the concept in real-world scenarios,

  5. Launching our marketing strategies will include engaging music, art, media and culture to draw attention and gather first adopters. We are working with influencers, experts, award winning artists and producers in the field to produce message songs, albums, media events, give TEDx type speaking engagements, host workshops and conferences.


In addition to the financial support that OpenCivics Genesis Grant Round can provide, we have long considered the OpenCivics consortium as one of our key potential partner platforms.

Because of your aligned expertise within the civic sector of society and a clear focus on eco-advocacy it is our hope, in the future, to collaborate on creating a "Civic Guild" within this WUN Watershed organizing system, with the citizens of OpenCivics as our creative partners.

This coalition is completely aligned with the three core pillars of OpenCivics innovation:

  1. Adaptive self-organizing of strong community resilience thriving amidst of great challenges;

  2. Freedom of Choice to reach for our greatest potential and provide for ourselves–individually and collectively–with the ability to determine the future we wish to past to our descendants;

  3. Finally, the life-generating Vitality that comes from weaving together these interconnected levels of well-being and quality of life for ourselves, our families, our communities, and the biodiversity that sustains us.


KEEPERS OF THE WATER, a nonprofit organization with over 30 years of experience weaving art, science and community into projects demonstrating how Water, as the foundation of all planning and design, can remediating our living water systems to transform our relationship to Water as the Source of All Life.

Keepers of the Waters has inspired scores of successful projects and relationships in the field of Watershed remediation on a micro and macro level, including creating the Living Water Garden, the world's first water cleaning municipal park in Chengdu, China.

WORLD WATER COMMUNITY is an independent online platform providing a diverse ecosystem of tools and collaboration spaces to bring this vision of restoring Water into action with a cost-effective and efficient manner.

This is our main satellite hub, an online space for communications and community-building hosting the network of Watershed Wisdom Councils interconnected from "source to sea and beyond".

ABUNDANT EARTH FOUNDATION is the current fiscal sponsor of the Watershed Wisdom Council Concept and has aided greatly in the development of WUN.

Launched in 2018, the organization supports grassroots projects meeting the evolving needs of communities related to climate change, social inequity, and malnutrition worldwide in order to accomplish the ecological and social restoration needed on a local level to sustain life on Earth.

YOUTH EVOLUTION ~WEST AFRICA (YE) is developing a participatory empowerment process teaching Watershed stewardship and restoration to the underserved youth and women of West Africa. The Water Sanctuary Community Center, starting up in Guinea Conakry, is a first capacity-building template.

With an action plan to include access to water filters, as well as the training and education required for improving the opportunities and living conditions, YE aims to reduce migration and offer hope for a brighter future. Once established in Guinea, the plan is to introduce the concept to all of Africa.

Other global online platforms and organizations include: Will4US.com The Nevada Forward Party JoshForNevada.com Loving Waters, Water Unite, EcoRestoration Alliance, Global Community Commons, Open Future Coalition, Catalist, Rebels of Kindness, Music 4 SDGs, Musée de l'Eau, Unify, Multiverse, with more inquiries for collaboration coming in daily...

FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS IncentiVibe, and the platforms that use it, are utilizing decentralized web3 technology to coordinate roles and responsibilities so the real-time communication of the systems we are developing can be trusted and relied upon to supply aid where it’s needed most. Blockchain is at the forward edge of human development and needs to support the public good projects

In addition to the crisis response tools that the IncentiVibe app provides, participants can also engage in direct, true democracy in their own community groups campaigns.

Through the civic innovations of our partner platforms, we are best utilizing the mechanisms of decentralized web3 transparency such as membership, voting, and gamification, as well as earning tokens for reputation, merit and contribution.

These rewards can be amplified to then initiate vital regenerative economies in our home communities helping to revitalize our quality of life.

TIME IS NOW It is time for "All Hands on Deck''! Although, first we must create a solid deck to stand upon and the navigational charts to know where we want to go and how to get to the world we want our children to live in.​

The local ↔ global alliance of WUN is gathering together a rising tide of activated Watershed Stewardship, aligning with Water as the Source of All Life for the intentional rebalancing of our Earth's natural biosphere and Water Cycle.

Our practical goal is to champion scalable, replicable, Living System Watershed Restoration projects, applied at a local community and bioregional level, offering humanity our most accessible, cost-effective, high impact solutions with longest-term benefits.

We already provide weekly orientation and onboarding calls to encourage active participation and open access to a comprehensive set of organizational tools, knowledge, and mentors engaged in these innovative regenerative methods towards a peaceful world.

We have solid science, willing experts and proven, time-tested methods to guide us – our greatest challenge is how to open the broadest pathways to efficiently organize groups of committed citizens for the most significant effectiveness in Watershed Restoration in the shortest amount of time.

As the most intelligent organizational design model on Earth, the nature of Water is truly democratic, nurturing All Life equally; this relationship is the driving current and currency of every living system and it is only common sense to apply this to the solutions of our planetary challenges. Without a thriving democracy we can not heal our communities.

This WUN - IncentiVibe initiative is intended to generate the well functioning, biodiverse participatory democracy we need to accomplish our shared mission for a thriving world. Thus, we invite the revitalizing wisdom of the whole Watershed as our collective commonwealth, accrued on behalf of future generations.

Together, applying the principles of change theory and collective intelligence to align with our Living Source Water, the most powerful force on Earth, we can serve All Life ~ to revitalize our world's vital Ocean Lakes. Rivers and Watersheds Communities back into pure source integrity.

Dive in, the Water's fine and Every Drop Counts!

Contact us: https://www.waterunity.life/ ourworldswater@gmail.com

WaterUnity Network Alpha to Beta History

  • accepted into OpenCivics Genesis Round 7 months ago. 42 people contributed $122 to the project, and $1,258 of match funding was provided.

People donating to WaterUnity Network Alpha to Beta, also donated to

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