WaterUnity Network Alpha to Beta

WaterUnity Network Alpha to Beta

WaterUnity Networks and IncentiVibe partner to empower and reward community-driven, watershed regeneration efforts through an online platform and decentralized event management system. Funds will automate processes and support proof of concept projects.
Applied on: 4 Nov 2023 08:52 AM
User Review
AI Review
Reviewed on 15 Feb 2024 02:42 PM
Projects are creating impact through public goods, civic service, civic works, civic innovations or civic utilities.
The project 'WaterUnity Network Alpha to Beta' is focused on water testing, signature gathering, fundraisers, and humanitarian aid, which are civic services aligned with creating public good, particularly in relation to environmental conservation and access to clean water.
Projects exhibit clear relevance to the broad framing of civic innovation (What is civic innovation? https://go.opencivics.co/whatiscivics )
The project aims to provide education and resources such as water filters to communities, integrate software for automated resources allocation based on performance, and foster collaboration among stakeholders involved in watershed regeneration, which align with the principles of civic innovation in enhancing civic engagement and community resilience through technology.
At least one project steward is a member of OpenCivics consortium (Application link: https://go.opencivics.co/application )
The provided information does not specify whether any of the project stewards are members of the OpenCivics consortium; membership cannot be confirmed without additional data or application status details.
Project team size and skills correlates to use of funds and desired impact.
The detailed project description provides information on the planned use of funds and intended outcomes, but does not explicitly detail the size and expertise of the team to clearly assess the correlation between team capabilities, budget allocation, and expected impact.
Project demonstrates a clear track record of previous work.
The description mentions that the project has been in active design for several years and in late-stage development for three years, indicating a clear track record of ongoing work and engagement in the area of watershed restoration and community building.