DAO Coalition

$144.73 crowdfunded from 47 people

$2,195.90 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Launched governance strategy for Hats Protocol, developing Gitcoin Passport module, and aiming for 501c4 status to begin lobbying for DAO legal clarity by Q1 2024.

Initiated this Open Civics genesis round.

Created the Snapshot strategy for Hats Protocol.

Finalizing the Gitcoin Passport module for Hats Protocol.

Expect to have 501c4 status in Q1 2024, and can then begin lobbying activities.

The DAO Coalition

Representing the voices of the DAO ecosystem

Innovation in the DAO ecosystem has been outpacing the rate at which relevant legal clarity is established, leaving entrepreneurs, investors, and changemakers in the dark as to how to compliantly proceed. The DAO Coalition intends to help shed a light on some of these matters, by tapping into the insights and opinions of the various DAO communities, and advocating on behalf of them.

With hundreds, if not thousands, of DAOs out there, including those on Decentralist's List of DAOs, the need for such advocacy is clear and, in some cases, urgent.

Join the DAO Coalition

Below is a form you can use to apply for your DAO to join the coalition.

What you need for this form is a publicly verifiable claim from your DAO/organization which designates the address of the DAO (such as a multisig) as well as the address of the representative chosen by the DAO. There are a number of methods your DAO/organization can employ to designate these wallet addresses, such as a member proposal or an attestation. For more information on these methods, see the index below.

Application Form

DAO Coalition History

  • accepted into OpenCivics Genesis Round 7 months ago. 47 people contributed $145 to the project, and $2,196 of match funding was provided.

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