Joshua Davila (The Blockchain Socialist )
average score over 4 application evaluations
A platform offering content on crypto from a leftist perspective, addressing socioeconomic impacts and suggesting progressive directions for the blockchain ecosystem.

The Blockchain Socialist is a platform that publishes blogs, podcasts, and videos on the intersection between crypto and left politics hosted by Joshua Dávila the author of Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It.The platform has been an important and free resource for more progressive minded people to understand and get involved in crypto. It also brings an important analysis to the socioeconomic structures that currently make up in crypto while being constructive, pointing at directions that the ecosystem could go instead.

Joshua Davila (The Blockchain Socialist ) History

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Digital currency $Earth is live on Polygon Mainnet, backing climate solutions with goals to fund clean energy, sustainable agriculture, clean transport, and ecosystem conservation globally.
Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.
Applicant seeking support for diverse roles in the Gitcoin ecosystem, including facilitation, grant management, volunteer work, public speaking, and experimentation.
Volunteered in developing Gitcoin Data Portal for data accessibility, contributed data to OS-Observer for tracking open-source project impact, and developed curriculum for DataBootcamp.
Exploring innovative funding methods for Gitcoin's matching pool and expanding Gitcoin's Grants Stack into new communities to support relevant projects.