Distributed Doge - Data Work
average score over 4 application evaluations
Volunteered in developing Gitcoin Data Portal for data accessibility, contributed data to OS-Observer for tracking open-source project impact, and developed curriculum for RegenLearnings.xyz DataBootcamp.

I contributed to three Open-Source projects related to Gitcoin.


  • Gitcoin Data Portal, where together with David Gasquez we work to make Gitcoin data more accessible.
  • OS-Observer which tracks impact of Open Source projects, including many Gitcoin Grantees. I was mainly feeding them with data.
  • RegenLearnings.xyz DataBootcamp where goal is to turn motivated learners into "impact data scientists". I am helping to design curriculum and write course materials.


Major part of my contributions is volunteer work on Gitcoin Data Portal where I was contributing from November 2023 till February this year.

I did several things there:

Written dbt tests to ensure data consistency, added new datasets, improved CI pipelines, added "Data Catalog" with rudimentary documentation.

Using "Allo Project Profiles" exported from Gitcoin Portal I was able to contribute to OS-Observer which tracks impact of Open Source contributors.

This is relevant to Gitcoin, as OS-Observer not only tracks Allo Grantees but also published a blog post referenced in Gitcoin whitepaper, which was using data provided by Gitcoin Data Portal.

At one point in time, 30% of all Allo projects tracked by OS-Observer directory were introduced there thanks to my contributions.

As the round is ongoing, Citizens may also want to look at my dashboard tracking round applications.

Distributed Doge - Data Work History

People donating to Distributed Doge - Data Work, also donated to

A blockchain-based image and video sharing platform with decentralized identity, storage, and encrypted comments, featuring a customizable feed and live video playback.
Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.
Exploring innovative funding methods for Gitcoin's matching pool and expanding Gitcoin's Grants Stack into new communities to support relevant projects.
Funding journalists via web3 certificates for stories with measurable impact, bypassing traditional grant models, focusing on accountability and incentive for sustained reporting.