Latticework Labs

$3,066.02 crowdfunded from 36 people

$3,166.17 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Lattice Protocols by Latticework Labs facilitate open-source solutions for large-scale societal issues, promoting civic innovation through advisory services and collaborative protocol design for distributed technologies.

Lattice Protocols are open-source collaborative protocols designed for solving systemic problems and civilizational challenges. They form connections between projects, programs, and protocols. Latticework Labs is a collaborative contributing to civic innovation and focuses on implementing these protocols. They provide design processes, release schematics, and advisory services in the field of distributed technologies and systems change. Latticework Labs aims to provide services with public benefit in the Civics Space. This is necessary utility for the Civics Space because collaborative behaviors and protocolization of collaboration between projects and protocols is not a focus of the design patterns. This set of collaborative protocols empowers civic collaboration at scale.

Latticework Labs History

  • accepted into OpenCivics Genesis Round 7 months ago. 36 people contributed $3,066 to the project, and $3,166 of match funding was provided.

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