$130.08 crowdfunded from 82 people
$2,939.24 received from matching pools
What is the ZK DeCiv Tookit?
Digital democracies are as robust and resilient as the technological primitives they are built on.
The ZK DeCiv Toolkit is for decentralized civic advocacy, robust digital voting systems, censorship resistant fundraising with crypto, and private identity for accountability and compatibility with legacy systems.
The toolkit is built on a zero knowledge (ZK) tech stack and utilizes multiparty computation (MPC) compatible with EVM smart contract blockchains for censorship resistance while preserving privacy for individual users.
What can I do with the Toolkit?
We are building this for use cases presented to us by the Will4US campaign and contractors for the Taiwanese Digital Ministry. Here are a few short examples:
Run an election campaign on crypto rails: easily onboard your email list with a non-custodial wallet and directly take donations in crypto with ZK identity proofs to remain in compliance with fundraising while keeping on-chain donor identity pseudonymous Privately verify government IDs for decentralized voting: allow users to scan their NFC government ID on their phone, locally generate a ZK proof with a cryptographic signature from their government attesting to its validity, and pseudonymously participate in sybil resistant digital voting Import off-chain credentials, on-chain with ZK: set up a custom issuer to verify custom credentials such as society membership, professional certification to prove the reputation of an ethereum account that can’t be tracked by the issuer
Who is behind this project?
Holonym Foundation is rearchitecting digital identity into practical products, with an emphasis on deep innovation in cryptography. As a public benefit corporation, Holonym builds tools for decentralized identity and secure key custody, focusing on digital rights, user-centric privacy controls, and transparent governance.
Where can I learn more?
ZK DeCiv Tookit History
accepted into OpenCivics Genesis Round 1 year ago. 82 people contributed $130 to the project, and $2,939 of match funding was provided.